Monday 1 March 2010

] Dynamic Integrated Economic Theory

BY BOB BROWN from Scotland
Essential Reading- "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" by Richard Bach.
"Sophie's World" by Jostein Gaarder. Keynes and the Multiplier Principle.

Viewing: One flew over the cuckoo's nest. Catch 22 (and book).

Part1 The Dynamic Theory Incorporating:

1. An explanation and definition of "Free Will"(a new and hitherto unknown theory that is necessarily true.) Only One in Ten can make Positive decisions. The Proof. The WUN and NYN.

2. An outline of the Inter - Relationship between the Conscious and Sub Conscious throughout time and the latter’s susceptibility to gifts. The "Mirror of life".

3. Economic and Philosophical Theory re - written.

4. Empiricism. The "Past", The "Is", The "Future" The WUN.

5. Everything prospers in a 3 or more.

6. Why Humankind must be Quintessentially Good.

7. Keynes - The Multiplier, Contracting, Stagnant, Expanding Economies.

8. The Grones - the NYN - Richard Bach's Jonathan Seagull.

9. The Grones and Capitalism.

10. The Grones and Communism

11. Corporations - The Grones - The Stock Market.

12 Corporations and Politics - the Dilemma.

13, The Grones, Democracy and Education.

14. Conclusion

1. Branson. Why he will continue to be relatively successful

2. Singapore - soon to be the richest nation on earth

3. Japan - The Tigers - Germany - Expansionary Capitalists

4. The Grones and U.K.Plc

5. Inheritance

6. The Real World U.K.

7. Education U.K. and U.S.A

8. Political Grones U.K. Quangos. Landmines. Economics. N.H.S.

9. The Stranglehold (of the Grones)

10 Solving Homelessness - Branson - Bureaucracy

11.Capitalism 'as we know it', The Tigers, The Poor

12.The Economic Cake - The Market Structure
The Cake Illustrated - Dead Weights - The Law.

13. Capitalism - East and West.

14. Restructuring Capitalism with Pragmatism. Corporate Insurance

15. Scotland - Another Singapore? The Bank of Scotland - A Sick Institution.

16. The Evolution of Gronism, Banks, Politics etc.

17. The "is" of the U.K. Examples

18. Politics, Industry, Banking

19. Scotland, A Bank, Branson, Take-over?

20. Bank, Advertising, Health, Community, Industry

21. The Imbalance of Wealth and Revolution.
22. International Gronism - U.S., U.K. and other examples
23.The End. Justification of Empiricism. A Blueprint for a New World.
References as follows: 1=part one 2=part two>> Page No.>> Newspaper Clip No

1.Free Will. What is it?

We have laboured over this question for 2500 years, yet, now we know the answer why don't we accept it? " Free Will advocates," " Determinists "," Fatalists ", "Existentialists", etc.all have their disciples whereas all the empirical evidence available proves that each is fundamentally flawed. Why do we act as if free will exists generally when we know it's not true- and what are the consequences of this mistake for the future of humanity?

The one (WUN) and nine (NYN) equals ten

It has been proven that only WUN in ten of humans make" Positive Decisions." NYN from ten will find this impossible and if given an "ostensible choice" will opt to remain the same. Every internationally conducted psychological test / study has proven this conclusively yet we "choose" to ignore these findings. Why? Well it would appear that the NYN wish to continue to believe that they do indeed possess this attribute, thus defying all the empirical evidence stacked against this notion. I will entitle this as "Wish Fulfillment" In other words they wish to /or have been conditioned to believe in this principle. Yet the evidence against their case is overwhelming.

The Proof - using psychological data

The simple test. The experimenter places nine ordinary humans in a room and explains to the group his intention which is that he will raise a card that is " consensually blue "but request all nine to affirm the colour as being red when that question is proposed. Wheel in unsuspecting members of the public and pose the question. The first nine respond - "Red". The tenth, i.e. the guinea pig, one would imagine holding a traditional view of free will would assert the colour to be" blue" but not so. Nine out of ten will actually agree with the group and confirm the colour as "Red" even though they knew they were lying! Only one in ten will actually tell the truth, "buck the trend" and state "Blue." Quite literally only one in ten possesses "Free will". Nine are happy to agree with the group simply to avoid "standing out" from the crowd. Every international study confirms this!
Three practical examples support the generality of this theory. The Romans organised their military might on the ten principle with dramatic effect. Volvo, in the 1960's, introduced the ten system into their working practices. From being the world's most inefficient motor manufacturer it reversed this position virtually overnight. But the most overwhelming proof comes out of the Korean War. The Koreans, having thousands of prisoners of war (POW's) had to decide where and how to incarcerate them as they only had minimal resources with which to build and guard P.O.W. Camps. Knowing that only WUN from ten could make positive decisions they set everyone a psychological test. Based on the results the Koreans isolated 10% of the P.O.W.'s and placed them under " maximum security". The others were left in open fields supervised by a token military force. Unlike the Second World War there were no gallant heroic escapes (no Colditz, Great Escape etc.) In fact there were no escapes at all! Take the WUN from the ten then nothing happens. That is the way "it is" and seemingly that's the way "it has to be." Everything must work on" percentages." And that being so it should be of no surprise to discover that the sub conscious (dormant) forms 90% of the brain and the conscious (active) only 10%. Thus for example classic capitalism and communism make no logical sense as the former promotes an individuality that destabilises the NYN and the latter advocates the suppression of the WUN, as everyone is deemed equal.

Practical examples follow in part 2

90% of humans are right handed. 90% of crime originates from bullying when young (1/4/1)Crime life for bullies 

A life of crime begins in the school playground, a survey of young offenders disclosed today. More than nine out of ten of them were bullies at school. The survey showed many had a difficult childhood and resorted to bullying in a bid to maintain their own safety. But while all wanted bullying stamped out, many saw "grassing"-reporting bullies to staff-as a far worse offence than even the most violent attacks. Some 95 per cent admit that getting away with bullying gave them the confidence to try joyriding, burglary, and even more serious crimes. The survey, sponsored by the Co-op was carried out by the children's charity Kidscape and involved questioning 97 young offenders. (1/4/1)

2. The Conscious - Sub Conscious- and Gifts
What is the inter relationship between the conscious (cons) and sub conscious (sub.c.) and how does this function? In infancy there is virtually no difference between the two. As the individual matures the sub.c. fills up with information but remains relatively open until post adolescence (a destabilising time for many) when the cons. assumes full responsibility for decision- making. This active 10% of the brain establishes a filter which blocks unacceptable information from entering the sub c. Thereafter, "Adults"function upon pre-fixed principles and information learned in their youth. From this point the NYN are "virtually" set in their ways and beliefs. On the other hand the WUN retains the ability to balance new evidence against that held in the sub con. and make relatively independent decisions. The WUN can effect change though this is not a simple absolute. There is a loophole which both the WUN and NYN are vulnerable to - and that is-

Gifts When we are young one of our first and most memorable lessons is that we must not only accept gifts (or the threat is you will receive no more!) but also say thank-you! - either verbally or in writing-whether we like the gift or not! So throughout life a gift does not have to be scrutinised by the critical cons. It generally will be automatically accepted. Remember one of the greatest and most influential gifts? "The Trojan Horse." – from which came the phrase "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts." When we are young we are dictated to" by parents and teachers. In turn we will generally experiment with these dictates to check their accuracy. However, when a child is ordered not to do something he/she will often defy this instruction - sometimes at physical cost - in order to establish it's relevance. This "Reverse Learning " process gradually disappears as the sub c. develops a storage system to accommodate all this "learned" information until adolescence- when the cons. takes full command. Thereafter, we believe we know who / what to trust. At this point the NYN will tend to bond and group together with similar types - as they pose no threat to each other, whereas the WUN will retain a capacity for change and often be "viewed as different". This is when, where, and how most political systems falter. What would happen if the NYN "inherited" all decision-making appointments? Well, that's now the position in the U.K. The NYN control Parliament, The Civil Service, The Banks etc.etc. That's why the Europeans in particular believe our politicians have contacted some form of B.S.E. The decision- makers "appear to be mad". This trend, unfortunately, is becoming more widespread and is noticeable particularly in the USA, and France. The problem stems from what I call: -

The Mirror of Life
I am asserting that the NYN cannot voluntarily change. Change must either be imposed (Gulliano, New York) or seduced by an extraordinary gift (A Trojan Horse). As the WUN and NYN father children they automatically assume that their offspring will "naturally " inherit their own qualities. This is unsurprising as they share genetic and environmentally similar backgrounds. Unfortunately this assumption in principle is baseless. Once more it is simply

"Wish Fulfilment."

The next generation of the WUN will necessarily be composed of part of the original WUN and NYN. Why? There simply has to be a quantum leap for humanity. Were the WUN and NYN to continue to remain the same throughout generations then nothing would change! And that doesn't make sense. Let me illustrate this point in a more practical fashion. In a rapidly expanding economy the WUN will emerge as the principal decision-makers, wealth creators and earners .Why? Because the WUN thrives on challenge and welcomes change. The NYN do not have this capacity. And if we evaluate what made the USA and UK great economies, and vanguards for the capitalist ethos, we observe that the foundations were laid at a time of great economic expansion - embedded with a belief in" free will." Their progeny, who invariably have no reason to initiate change, will eventually inherit all this wealth- and often the businesses accrued by the WUN. Why create more wealth for yourself when that wealth already exists! Why initiate change when the present is quite comfortable? Why take a chance when it is unnecessary? And therein begins the capitalist problem. The progeny of the rich are assumed to be they are decision-makers due simply to their wealth status. Once they attend private schools this belief is further implanted and, through connections, (The NYN mostly group together) they automatically secure decision-making positions, which they are unfitted to serve. This is now the position of the U.K. plc. The NYN have overwhelmed Parliament, the banking structure, the civil service etc. That is why we appear to live in an asylum - the butt of European scorn etc. etc.

3.Economic and Philosophical Theory
Until now traditional philosophy has only established two fundamental precepts - The Universality of Geometric Shapes and Descarte's "Cogito Ergo Sum". Economic Theory has assumed O.T.R.E. (other things remain equal) when purporting to forecast market fluctuations. These principles are too simple to provide any basis for forecasting future events and bear certainly no practical value today. Our mode of thought appears to concentrate on the finite. Yet the Universe which we inhabit is infinite, though it’s both beyond our imagination to envisage a finite universe (Where and how does it stop?) and infinite universe. (How can space continue forever?) How have we arrived at these odd junctures?
Firstly, philosophy has always based the responsibility of human actions on this notion of "free will". This, as described earlier is a relative impossibility. If everyone possessed free will then "society" would be chaotic - and this in itself is a contradiction. Out of chaos there has to come some form of predictability - or else we could not have acquired so much information on the patterns of life. Similarly, the sub conscious must have an order - for example via access words. Take two words and define them e.g. "castle" and "good." The former would internationally elicit a common comprehension and reply. But the latter is obscure -noun, adjective?… and possibly relative (a good man), and it's interpretation would not be internationally consistent (in monsoons or deserts we can imagine Good Water -Pure - Versus Bad Water – Unclean, yet we would never think in these terms!) The point I'm trying to make here is that the sub cons. would probably need another reference point for "good" before venturing upon a definition - and it’s these linkages which enable us to surf the sub cons. If not, imagine one of the world's greatest computers - yourself ! - being asked a simple question. If you had to review every bit of your knowledge to furnish a reply it would probably take days.
Secondly, that the self-denial of our existence is an impossibility still furthers the publics scepticism of what philosophers actually teach / do.
Thirdly, the fact that geometrical shapes must be similar in infinity is of no relevance to the formulation of practical theories upon which mankind can positively relate to "a future". These latter two points are perceived as intellectual games as they serve no other purpose. The first point is generally accepted, yet it verges on the "nonsensical." So how has philosophy "as we know it" managed to commit so much time, effort and words on relatively trivial subjects. The simple answer is that 2000 years ago the Greek philosophers assumed wrongfully that human beings generally possessed an attribute called "Free Will,"whereas the actual quantum leap for humanity is via the Wun. But the NYN won't accept this and continue to follow their "Wish Fulfilment" paths. Ask any Physicist, Biologist, Chemist, Astronomer etc. and they will ascertain that"movement is life." Thus making fatuous the infinity of shapes. The "is", as we know it must be a "Temporal State." So "Cogito Ergo Sum" states that the "is" is a passing now that must have had a "past" and a" future." The fact that we can’t deny our existence throughout time presents other implications. Whichever way we address the proposition there has to have been a" past" and there must be a" future." This is indisputable and an absolute. Thus, the "is", as we know it, must have antecedent causes and your "is" must similarly have an explanation. Whether we can precisely identify these causes is unimportant. However, as long as we can "relatively" define the source causes and establish their relative roles in precursing "our is" then a positive dimension can be added to the "Philosophers Stone." How can this be done?
4. Empiricism - The" Past" The "Is" the "Future" - The WUN

That the "is" is a "Temporal State" tells us no more than "Cogito Ergo Sum." So how do we expand the "is" and project it into a future? At this point I would like to make an analogy with physical law. We have a large solid card with a small hole cut out in the middle- placed standing upright in a dark room. A battery-operated torch is switched on and directed at the card. One would imagine that the light would penetrate this hole and emerge as a beam of light. But that is not the case. The light source is cone shaped and its release after traveling through the hole is a diametrically opposed cone shape. In other words if we can analyse all the released energy (empirical knowledge i.e. the past), establish an acceptable "hole," (the "is"i.e. the present) we can exponentially project a" future"(the probable possibilities). However it is only the WUN that is capable of foreseeing the future in this way. The NYN can only assimilate their view of the "past" and project it as a shaft of" simple light" The post adolescent NYN need simplicity i.e.the security of being the same and therefore their focus thereafter can be compared to this beam of light. The NYN only expect and "wish" for "simple answers". That this is not the case is of no relevance to the NYN because they actually believe it to be true! They will make no apologies for being "wrong" as this is their" fixed perception". And to them it must be right! A classical example of this behaviour is the B.S.E. crisis affecting the British farmers. The first accredited proof of B.S.E. emerged in 1985. The iron Lady Thatcher ("This lady is not for turning" - a typical NYN statement) and her cohorts denied this "proof" as even "being possible". In time Thatcher eliminated the WUN (she called them "Wets") from her cabinet and continued to preside without even considering the potentially apocalyptic effects on /for British /European farming. Eventually a Conservative minister stood up and confessed that British cows may have B.S.E. and that the disease may kill you! (sic) Please continue to eat British beef! To the NYN who "inherit" decision-making responsibilities this makes sense! In time the absurdity of this position becomes clear-but the WUN who initially signaled their discomfort were silenced for years. Hundreds, maybe thousands will die from B.S.E. Yet when the disease was acknowledged the government spokesman suggested that all cattle were a possible cause! Thus infuriating farmers whose cattle were historically fed solely on grass and could not possibly have the disease. The logical response of the WUN from day one would have been to isolate the infected herds, relabel the beef and its by-products with a symbol (to placate human fears) assuring customers that " this beef is 100%" When the "NYN" are elevated as they are in U.K.Plc to decision -making positions they just cannot foresee the" future". Similarly, because B.S.E. emerged as a new problem –and was not caused by them - or so they believed- then that "past"- falling in post adolescence-registers little significance to the NYN. Consequently British farming is in crisis; and a very sad symptom of being controlled by the NYN is that they cannot "apologise" for their short sightedness. Not once has a Tory Spokesman offered to accept blame for this tragi - comedy. (1/6/1) I wish to prove that by addressing such "intellectual/political failings" we can provide society and therein its individuals with a positive dynamic future as long as we research the "past" comprehensively (using internationally accepted data), we can proffer a fulfilling future for all humankind.
"Ministers tell us that beef products-are ' absolutely safe. There is, says the Health Secretary, Stephen Dorrell, "no conceivable risk" to the public; he would let his own children eat hamburgers. Dr Kenneth Caiman, the ChiefMedical Officer would be happy to join them. -Yet the prospect of bumping into either of them in McDonald's is not wholly reassuring. Despite their advice, more and more people are giving up eating beef products for fear that they might become infected with a human form of BSE, better known as mad cow disease. Some are abstaining quietly and privately" (1/6/1)
Conservatism means never having to say you're sorry. Contrary to some reports, the government did not offer an oblique apology last week for its disastrous record. The new Tory slogan "yes it hurt. yes it worked "- soon to be seen on billboards - implied no contrition on its part. John Major's gullet will not choke on humble pie. Quite the reverse. They're telling us it was part of a master plan, which is now only coming to fruition. This is not only an insult to our intelligence, but a breathtaking violation of history. It hurt, all right. They got that bit right. But whatever feeble economic recovery has been achieved since is hardly down to government policy. It was devaluation in 1992, after the collapse of John Major's economic "cornerstone", the ERM, that finally dragged Britain out of the longest recesssion since the 1930's. The poll tax hurt too, and we're still paying for it through higher taxes. Then there is negative equity; destruction of the coal industry; privatised utilities; NHS "reforms", back to basics - I could go on.
5. Everything prospers in a 3 or more.
Nothing is nothing. One is one and an infinity of ones is simply one to the point of infinity. If one equals one then one equals one ad infinitum. Two's or two one's equal one! Why? If the two were composed of units one of which was a negative and the other a positive of the same mass then nothing would happen! However if one part of the two had greater mass (whatever) then it would ultimately overwhelm the minority partner and become a one! If not things would remain the same! Threes are the minimum to avoid "oneness." If threes were projected on an infinite scale they would present us with a fantastically complex - though finite -set of possibilities (original atomic theory). That is the way "it is" and seemingly must necessarily "be"-as a third party in order to protect it's self preservation would probably find it necessary to act as a counter weight. Again, philosophically this position seems innocuous, if not indeed fatuous. Not so. Observe the two party system in the U.K. (and USA). The two parties command such overwhelming power they are becoming a one! Tony Blair, the incoming Prime Minister is the product of a "public" i.e. Private school - the same kind of institution the Conservatives so cherish for their fellow NYN. More in Part 2.
6. Humankind must be good.

Principal to this thesis is the assertion that humankind is quintessentially "good". Speaking personally I have lived in an advanced society and a third world country. In both, fortuitously it could be argued, the police presence was relatively absent. Certainly the police were there but not highly profiled - as this was deemed unnecessary. Why? If crime as we know it is unacceptable in a community it simply won't occur. Give the WUN its freedom to act and ensure that the NYN are secure - economically, progressively so - no anti- social behaviour will ensue. What a saving for the state! Low crime, low police costs - low judicial costs - fewer prisons etc.- all of which are burdens on the state. A more contented society will produce more goods and be more adaptable to changes in working conditions and practices, will benefit from lower insurance premiums etc., and improved wealth through the reduction of stress –which costs the economy £billions! Furthermore, the health services will benefit from a much-reduced workload. This is positive economics ..(1/7/1)

Tim Moynihan - Stress in the workplace is spiraling, costing British industry £79 billion and more than 40 million working days a year, a survey published today shows. Despite the worrying figures, companies are not doing enough to combat stress related illness.

Graeme Wilson - More than half of Scotland's university students are suffering levels of stress equivalent to those found amongst psychiatric outpatients. A four and a half study also found that when students at three Scottish universities were given a test designed for psychiatric patients, the results showed that that one in seven displayed signs of stress greater than those exhibited by the average patient.

Rebecca Fowler - Britain's workforce is being driven to the brink of nervous breakdown, with employees working the longest hours in Europe, amid sinking morale and rising divorce rates. The number of British workers putting in more than 50 hours a week has grown by a third according to European Commission figures, with 1 in 59 people working more than 70 hours. The average working week is calculated at 43.1 hours. (1/7/1)

There is simply no empirical evidence to support the contention that humanity possesses an "inherent bad side". When hierarchical structures are empowered to govern inevitably the NYN will at some stage assume decision- making powers. Not only that but they will and do believe these powers are heritable - and it’s this that causes mayhem and confusion in society/ies. The NYN don't have the ability to assess the past and project a future. When the NYN are forced into decision- making positions they always make the" right " decision. No compromises, no changes of mind, no apologies are permissible. If social unrest, civil or total war follows then that simply is" the way it is". Unfortunately for human kind the distortions afforded by history when the NYN have wielded power (e.g. monarchy) still feed the debate on the legitimacy of the nature of "Good" and "Bad" in humans. When the Wun are eliminated the NYN generally group together and form a massive bureaucracy. And, consequentially the working classes will have to work excessive hours and pay bloated taxes to fund the bureaucrats. This is negative economics.

7. Keynes - The Multiplier, Contracting, Stagnant, Expanding Economies

Keynes believed that the appropriate manipulation of fiscal stimulation could provide nations with full employment. Indeed his theory has been implemented successfully on many occasions - a notable example of which was the Marshall Plan. So why have western governments failed to embrace this simple principle. Keynes was simply pointing out that when there was slack in the economy, resources both financial and physical should be devoted to upgrading the infrastructure, especially that of poorer areas. Keynes reasoning implied that the poor would disburse a proportionately higher amount of their income in the local economy and that the effects of this "spend" would multiply at a greater pace than if spent otherwise. A typical project envisaged would be the renovation of slum housing and the upgrading of the local environment. Unskilled and skilled labour would be used in the project thus offering hope to everyone in the community. Local building suppliers would conduct more business, which in turn would percolate through to major corporations and so on. The whole of society would benefit. Take a theoretical wage bill - as envisaged by Keynes -: of £5000 per week and a typical spend rate of £9.00 in £10.00. From the £5000 £500 would be saved but £4500 would pass on to local suppliers, local shops, business etc. Similarly from the residual £4500 10% more is saved / invested. £4050 would be returned to the community / society etc. etc. In total the initial investment of £5000 would generate @ £27000. On the other hand £5000 dispersed to the rich who don't really need the money might result in £1000 extra being consumed etc.etc. until finally this only generates £7000 for the community / society.. And what would happen to the £4000 that was initially saved? Much of it would eventually return to the state (taxes) and the mad cycle would continue. The politicians would decide that the "poor" (self-inflicted of course) who could not afford to live on state benefits or afford houses (and consequently commit crime) would have to be punished. More prisons, more police, judges, lawyers, clerical assistants would be required - another huge bureaucracy is unleashed! In 1995 the USA wasted $450 billion on crime. (1/8/1) This statistic proves that the NYN are prevalent in the U.S.A. But this figure can easily be slashed by half - and the savings re-invested in the community. So if the U.S.A. could save $200billion and apportion this into high spend communities i.e. the poorest, (who Keynes forecast will consume the highest proportion of income) in the form of infrastructure improvements, the volume of money aggregated would be a staggering $1100 billion - and it can be done! So to return to the£5000 "earned"and dispensed by the" poor" and rich. Spending/saving by the poor would total £27000, deduct the initial £5000.and the state automatically exponentially benefits - greater revenues, less unemployment, happier people who would be less inclined towards "crime". The release of stress would benefit the health service. The ghettos would be upgraded. Lower house, car insurance costs etc.etc. The list of "positives" is endless. However by giving the rich £5000, spending / saving would only read £7000 - £5000 = £2000 which is ostensibly on the positive side - but not necessarily so. The opposite consequences from the above (i.e. more crime, unemployment etc.) will bring negative economic costs as there are necessarily "dead weights" for society. (see pages26+27) The negative costs might equal £2000 or even be greater. On the occasion when positive benefits equal negative costs there is stagnation and when the costs outweigh the benefits the economy is contracting. And, unfortunately for the poor, in both scenarios they must become relatively poorer and vice versa the rich. For if the "cake"remains the same size the NYN will annually demand an increased portion because this is the "is" of their expectation. If the cake contracts the NYN will demand at worst to remain the same. Thus, nevertheless increasing proportionately their piece of "cake". I will argue practically in Part II that it is only the WUN that is capable of stimulating any economy. When the WUN is suppressed as it is comprehensively in the U.K. levels of stress, crime, poverty, anger, frustration etc. soar. A recent survey indicated six out of ten citizens (SIC) wished to emigrate - simply to escape this madness. Ironically the Conservatives hoped to be re-elected on a "feel good factor". Empirical evidence is irrelevant to the NYN. This will be emphatically proven in Part II.

United States - counting the cost of crime - crime costs Americans at least $450 billion a year, according to the most comprehensive survey ever on the price of violence. Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the US justice department, Victim Costs and Consequences: A New Look, is the first attempt to measure the cost of child abuse and domestic violence along with crimes like murder, rape and robbery. It is also the first to estimate the mental health care costs and the reduced quality of life for victims. It calculates the out-of-pocket costs covering items like legal fees, lost work time and the cost of police work as well as intangibles like the affection lost for a murder victim's family. The authors devised a formula for the intangibles. The study excludes the cost of running the nation's prisons, jails and parole and probation systems, which would add $40 billion, according to justice department statistics. The authors point out that ignoring the intangible benefits of crime reduction "can lead to the mis allocation of resources". For example, the average rape incurs"out-of-pocket costs" to the victim of $5100, far less than the $20,000 annual costs of a prison cell. But when the rape's effect on the victim's quality of life is calculated, the cost soars to $87,000 - AP (1/8/1)

8.The Grones. - The NYN - Richard Bach

Bach's introduction of the grey ones (renamed "Grones" = The NYN) was simply an accident waiting to happen. Bach is obviously part of the WUN and for his part wishes to expose humanity to the possibilities - the adventures - life can proffer. His single-mindedness in his belief that all of us have this propensity is illustrated in his later and less successful works. Richard has simply "assumed" that the NYN can and wish to leave the beach /es upon which they are located. This indeed is true. But the NYN need the WUN (in this case Jonathan Livingston Seagull) to lead them into the adventures of life -to explore new territories, to excavate possibilities of potential achievement. When the WUN "naturally" commands decision -making positions stress levels plummet (The NYN don't want to make decisions, but are often "forced to"). Crime as we know it becomes relatively non-existent as a well ordered society would always cater for every individual - not just the rich elite. And let's remember it’s only the WUN that breaks from conformity. A well ordered country, state, town which supports its poorest and offers the potential WUN a platform to progress the individual (and consequently the state) will necessarily blossom spontaneously. Every expanding state, (village, country, etc) it has been proven, will also symbiotically benefit it's neighbours economically. A contracting -stagnant economy - governed by Grones- as is U.K. will necessarily punish it's poor. Grones must remain the same (stay on the same beach) or improve their lot (move to a higher beach). The poor (from where most of the WUN emerge) will react against the selfishness. From the NYN who have assumed these powers violence, retribution, civil wars develop. What has to be has to be. Two broad international statistics underline this. In the early 90's in Los Angeles a psychological study found that 90% of the WUN lived in Ghettos. It's no small wonder that they are literally "fighting the system". Secondly, quoting Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore on his Social and economic Theory. (1/9/1)

" I will not subsidise your consumption because it will debase you and weaken the nation. I will subsidise your health, your education, so that your earning capacity will increase. I will level the playing field by giving your children - regardless of who you are or what you have - an equal chance at the starting post." (1/9/1)

By 2015 it is projected Singapore will become the richest country per capita in the world. And that's from a starting point in 1960 of being labeled a "third world country". Health and free Education at the earliest possible age are fundamentals to economic progress. In the U.K. the public school system is virtually selective in elevating the NYN into power. The WUN is castigated, harassed by the NYN. The economy is collapsing, stress levels, working conditions, are the highest and worst in Europe (1/6/1). Ironically within a mere 100 years (a grain of sand in the face of time) this formerly all powerful nation will become a bit player in the world economy whilst Singapore (a former British Colony) will top the economic league. Irony can be hurtful Finally it is worthy to note that Mayor Gulliano and Mr Bratton in New York have endorsed most of this treatise. Educate the people. Enforce this Education! And within a few years New York - from being the most violent States in the U.S.A. will completely reverse that position and soon become the "safest". That's the way "it is" and that's the way it seemingly has to be. Take note U.S.A. Year 2000 Gulliano for President. Humanity at present may be existing on a short and burning fuse. (1/11/1)

Today a third of New York's tax-paying is foreign born - continuing evidence in the eyes of Mr Giuliani, whose grandmother was an Italian immigrant, that the city's wealth, vitality and unique character is driven by immigration. Herman Badillo, a highly successful New York lawyer who moved to the US from Puerto Rica when he was 11, knows Washington well and understands well the processes by which "bad and foolish laws" are passed. He served in Congress form 1970 to 1977 before quitting with a bad taste in his mouth to serve for two years in what he considers to have been the far more useful role of deputy mayor of New York. In Congress the issue is not 'What should be done?' but 'How does it benefit you?' (1/11/1)

Mayor Giuliani, a man with the looks and severity of a Vatican cardinal, has stood alone among high-profile American politicians to combat the predominant hysteria, making immigration his battleground to pit the cosmopolitan metropolis of New York - which he likes to describe as "the capital of the world" - against the provincialism of America. In doing so he has exposed Washington's best-known dirty little secret, that those that make the nation's laws in the White House and Congress are motivated primarily not by what is good for the nation, much less the world, but by their own desires for re-election. (1/11/1)

9. The Grones and Capitalism (1/12/1)

Questions have to be asked (some answers will emerge later). How have the Grones managed to assume power when they are completely unsuited to fulfill this role?
Social mobility. Tim Rayment reveals the astonishing results of 20 year's research It is a stunning experiment that will never be repeated. Take an advanced industrial country and bomb it flat. Divide it in half. Give one half to capitalists and the other to communists, then wait 50 years. Now go back and see who comes closer to achieving John Major's dream. The prime minister famously wants to see Britain become a classless nation where people rise on merit regardless of origins. So which is more meritocratic, a democracy or a totalitarian state? The divided country is Germany and the answer is -- they are the same. After 20 years resistance to what many see as a dangerous idea, the world's top sociologists have concluded that an unpalatable theory is true. It does not matter how you organise human society, equality of opportunity does not greatly change. The American dream is a myth. The United States is no land of opportunity; it is no more open than class-divided Britain or "rigid hierarchical" Japan. In fact, it is no more open than the evil empire. Start as a child of a labourer in the US or the former Soviet Union and your chances of making the professional classes are about the same. Women are slightly better off under communism. European researchers tested the idea in an exhaustive study of 15 countries, including Britain and Ireland, in the 1980's. They divided people by class, starting with the top group, or "salariat", of professionals and managers who are committed to their jobs in return for trust from their employers, relatively high pay and and good chances of career advancement. They added three intermediate classes, for small proprietors and the self-employed, routine clerical staff, and farmers, and three "working classes", for skilled and unskilled manual labourers and agricultural labourers. The researchers, including John Goldthorpe of Nuffield College, Oxford, who devised the categories, examined changes from one generation to the next in 15 countries. They found that at least 90% of the movements up and down were identical in the nations studied. Only on the margins - "in the loose change" as one investigator put it - did differences emerge. At first the researchers thought a third condition was necessary for the thesis to hold true: that the industrial countries and their nuclear families must have free market economies. When attention turned to Europe's former communist states, however, this turned out to be untrue.
(1/12/1) capitalism = communism

How can we persuade societies to naturally elevate the WUN? When we address such questions we must remember the Grones’Imperative. - "We must remain the same"- we will "remain on the beach", as this is our security. All empirical evidence indicates that U.K. and U.S.A. Plc's are politically monopolised by Grones. For example in the U.K. we have had a B.S.E. crisis since 1985 (mad cow disease). Denied, denied, and denied yet again by Conservative politicians. A full 5 months before it was declared to the public, dog and cat food processors banned the suspected by-products in case they were sued by pet owners. No such luck for human beings! The Agriculture minister announced that B.S.E. may kill you (to a startled Europe / world) but continue to eat beef as it really is unlikely you'll die! A whole industry is ravaged overnight and this makes sense! It's madness but that is what occurs when Grones fill decision- making posts. A whole industry and the lives of tens of thousands are savaged overnight and apologies? There are none. Grones have no capacity for apology. (1/5/1) They are taught that they are the "Chosen Ones". They are taught that they can make decisions. So, irrespective of all empirical evidence they "decide"and the whole world looks on in disbelief. It is irrelevant to a Grone that one third of cattle could never possibly have contacted B.S.E. because these herds were raised only on fresh grass and culled at an early age. The simple answer would have been to identify the affected herds - re package those "B.S.E. Free", convene with European partners (sic) and conduct an efficient and orderly slaughter which at worst would have permitted the industry a "soft landing". But not so. When the Grones assume absolute power the madness begins.

Other examples appear in abundance. The U.K. has no transport policy! Privatisation here is the vogue term - and that possibly could be successful! Unfortunately the Grones have allocated decision-making powers to their fellow Grones. Railway Privatisation has led to 25 companies operating a "National Grid." Privatisation saves money! Shout the Grones. Yet subsidies to these companies are now £1.8 billion – up from £1.1 billion when in state governance. This actually makes sense to Grones! (1/12/2)

Rail privatisation will never benefit users by Christopher Wolmar. Rail privatisation has shown no benefits so far and it is doubtful if it ever will, according to the new chairman of the rail passenger's watchdog. In an interview with the Independent, Brian Bertram, who took over three months ago from Major General Lennox Napier as chairman of the Central Rail Users Consultative Committee said, "lots of the improvements that are promised would have happened anyway. British Rail was already introducing better customer service such as free tea and coffee in First Class and improving its performance generally." He said that, so far, "there was a strong argument in saying that privatisation has had a negative impact". He cited how a rail worker in a station with a stuck train would not be able to talk to the signal box worker at the end of the platform because they work for different companies. The man on the station has to go to head office of the train operating company, which will contact Railtrack and then go back down to the man in the signal box. As a result, it takes longer to get things moving again when things go wrong because of the separation of the companies. " (1/12/2)

The conservatives (a word meaning "remain the same") have created a huge underclass without the benefit of a safety net. Consequently many have become homeless. Yet for every street dweller six vacant houses exist! However, because the Grones blame these people for their "self inflicted" misfortune nothing is done. Instead of accepting responsibility for initially causing this social problem the Conservatives now concede that it does exist. But, unfortunately for the homeless, because it now exists it shall remain, and that's why my article on Solving Homelessness was censored. (This article was submitted Xmas 93 and here in Scotland it was accepted that homelessness would have been eradicated by Xmas 95.) When the Grones achieve political command nothing "positive" occurs. Since Thatcher ousted every positive thinker (the wets) from her cabinet nothing positive has emanated from the U K. For example, in the last term of a Conservative government when Members of Parliament issued themselves a 26% pay rise. What positive laws were enacted? None. And that’s why the threat from B.S.E. lasted for so long. A group of Grones can’t make a positive decision. Thatcher ousted the Wun and installed her worshipers.

10. The Grones and Communism (1/12/1)
Similar arguments can be leveled against Communism. Their ideology presumes that everyone is equal and therefore should be afforded equal education, equality of status etc. Yet once more this system is infeasible as it negates the qualities of the WUN in favour of a "blanket mentality". Once more the NYN will overwhelm the WUN and command power- attempt to block change- stagnate the economy. And thus ensure once more that the poor remain relatively poor. Everything must change. The quantum leap for humanity in politics, economics etc.must flow from the WUN who must "naturally" be offered this opportunity. Classic versions of Capitalism and Communism impede this opportunity. "Laissez Faire" Capitalism encourages individuals to generate wealth. Their progeny (who will generally be part of the NYN) will inherit both this wealth and hence decision making powers. The inherited business will stagnate / decay because the WUN will be refused access to decision making and Capitalism again shoots itself in the foot! (This is a broad and true generalisation though exceptional circumstances are exempt - more in PartII) Communism meanwhile stifles the WUN from birth. (Yet again exemptions will be introduced later.)

11.Corporations - The Grones - The Stock Market

Society is currently facing a moral dilemma if not paradox. When Corporations divest staff the political state is expected make interim payments whilst seeking to redeploy the unemployed. The Corporations not only escape a penalty for their lack of futuristic vision but they also generally make short term gains in the stock market. The share price jumps, the short termists cash in their profits and within a year the Corp'n's share price has been empirically proven to collapse to the original value - or even less. Only now the Corp'n has lost skilled labour which makes the Corp’n less competitive - especially if a sudden upturn in demand appears. The short-term speculator invests elsewhere - more jobs are "laid off" etc. Meanwhile the state still sails to the rescue of these shortsighted corporations whereas the WUN protect their workforce, whilst encouraging economic expansion within. This should provide the foundations for both society and the stock market. A negligent Corporation should be penalised by share value simply because it is removing a "perceived onus" and transferring it to the state. I will outline means to reverse this situation in Part 2. (1/14/1)

To that end Clinton invited 100 business leaders to the White House last Thursday to hear from executives of a dozen companies that, in his phrase, have been good corporate citizens. One of the companies the President showcased was Republic Engineering Metals, an Ohio firm that employs 4,600 people. The company has been in the black most of of the time since its foundation six years ago but when a crisis hit the steel industry in 1991 there was no option but to cut costs. Harold Kelly, the executive vice-president, said that management, building on a company policy of "co-operative collegial" labour relations, explained the situation to the employees and asked for suggestions to improve efficiency. Through enacting proposals from the workforce we managed to save $40 million (£26.5m). Now the company is again experiencing difficulties, but there are no plans to cut jobs, Mr Kelly said. "As the market pressures rise to reduce the workforce our strategy is rather to grow; to keep our workforce but reduce labour costs by producing more steel with the same people rather than the same steel with fewer people." Evidence that such a strategy can work over the long haul is provided by another steel company, Nucor, which employs 6,200 people, has not laid off one worker or closed a single plant in 20 years. Every quarter since 1965 has been profitable. Last year revenue was $3.4bn and profits $275m. "We have a very close relationship with our employees", says Keneth Iverson, the chairman. "If any employee wants to call me he does it on the phone and I usually answer it. We have very strong incentive systems, so that the employees in the mills earn rates of $55,000 to $58,000 a year. And they earn every bit of it - more than half from productivity bonuses. We have an education programe paying $2,000 a year for four years of college, or four years of vocational school, for every child of every employee. Our employees are loyal, and this translates into high productivity and high-quality work. We also listen to what they say. And much of the investment we've made in new technology has been by their recommendation. Mr Iverson has stood by his workers in the lean times too. In 1982 we had to make across-the -board reductions. Most of the staff took pay cuts, but the officers and managers had their pay dropped more, percentage-wise, than the average worker. In 1981 I had a salary of $450,000, and the next year my total pay was $109,000. Circumstances differ from one company to another, and Mr Iverson, citing changes brought about by the computer revolution, was reluctant to criticise all companies that resorted to downsizing. One principle, though he held good always. "People sometimes forget that the wealth of a company comes mostly from its employees."

He quoted Andrew Carnegie: "You can take all my steel mills away - you can burn them all down - and I can rebuild them. But if you take away my people I have nothing."

12. Corporations and Politics.

We now reach a secondary dilemma/paradox. Many (especially on the "right wing"of politics) parliamentary members (MPs) are also shareholders in the Corporations. Upon what fundamental principle do they conduct their business? Do they support the company when it wants to "down size" and off-load labour onto state benefits? The appeal for this is to obtain short-term profits through share deal transactions. Yet there has to be a conflict of interest whichever decision is to be made. If the MP votes against the Corporation's recommendations then he / she could be accused of disloyalty. On the other hand should he / she vote to off-load labour onto the state he / she could be accused of incestuous economics- because the greater the load the state is obliged to carry the greater its' reliance will be upon not only the politicians but also it’s bureaucrats. The MP somewhat perversely finds himself in a "no lose" situation. If the Corporation is trading well he will be remunerated via dividends and directorship. Conversely when the state experiences surpluses of labour the MP’s workload will expand, more demand will be made on his time and due to this he will seek higher wages. Either way the economic - political animal will gain. And if, as is the case in U.K. the legislators are all Grones the question becomes self-answering. A Grone's primary goal is the achievement of wealth and key decisions would depend upon which option offered the highest profit - irrespective of the consequences for his fellow citizens (apart from the Grones own circle of friends.) (1/12/1)

Downsizing: Many Americans now see the corporate cure-all as slow-motion suicide. Thirty years ago the average CEO made about 35 or 40 times the average worker did." Bill Clinton said last week. "Today that's up to 200 times, and it was only 120 times when I took office." The US economy is stronger on paper than it has ever been, yet more people are working longer hours than ever and struggling to make ends meet. Since 1984 the average chief executive's real income has risen by 300 per cent, the average worker's has fallen by 13 per cent. Much of this caused by downsizing. Opponents of downsizing such as Stephen Roach, the chief economist at Morgan Stanley, who dramatically switched sides this month, that while downsizing yields short-term shareholder gains (last year Wall St stocks rose by 30 per cent), it hampers economic growth and competitiveness in the long run. Professor Nitin Nohria, of the Harvard Business School, who has analysed the effects of downsizing in the top 100 US companies, believes the evidence supports Mr Roach's conclusions. With two or three exceptions, the firms he studied had all downsized repeatedly since 1978, losing on average 20% of their workforces. But most - and figures provided by the American Management Association back this - had not seen improved results. Its not that layoffs are good or bad, but that there are good and bad layoffs. There seem to be two approaches to downsizing. The first type, which we found among two-thirds of the companies we studied, was a simple, across-the -board cost-cutting approach. Most of those downsizings failed to produce productivity gains or profits over a three-year period subsequent to the layoffs. The second type, practiced by the other third of the companies we looked at, was more discriminating, motivated by a strategic vision of how to regain competitiveness. On average those firms improved their performances in the medium term. (1/12/1)
13.The Grones, Democracy, Education

Grones have a stupendous ignorance of what "democracy" originally was fostered to achieve. A dictionary definition portrays it as meaning "A form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people collectively, and is administered by them, or by an officer appointed by them, the people, especially the common people." Here in a small country called Scotland we live in a theoretical democracy, yet if we compare our nation's right to the above definition we appear to live in the second most autocratic nation in the world (next to Burma). 80% of the electorate have voted consistently for some form of semi-autonomy. Nothing has changed. Taxes and revenues are dispensed by the Scottish Office" .90% of the population could not name an individual in the Scottish Office. And the press and the media have been conveniently "gagged" to suppress free information. This is what we are supposed to believe is a democratic country. A classic instance of this was recently solicited in a T.V. interview. A region here in Scotland decided to hold a referendum on "Water Privatisation." The national government advised against it and offered no funds to support it. The people organised at great cost and effort this referendum. 75% voted - a greater % than at elections for MP’s - and 99% voted to keep water in public control. On television the following day Sir Ian Laing replied thus- " In a democratically elected........99% of the people have probably made a mistake" (words to that effect). Needless to say Laing was a member of the Conservatives who advocated Privatisation. So much for the word "Democracy."
(1/14/1 and 1/14/2)

The Grones have a similar nonsensical view on Education. All empirical evidence signifies that free and fair Education for all is a prerequisite for a healthy society. But the most influential positions in the U.K. are acquired by the public school elite, and because they are all generally part of the NYN they will/and do form alliances to deter change. It has to be and that is the way it "is". State run schools are falling into disrepair, teachers are underpaid and leaving the profession because of a lack of investment in what should arguably be a government’s principal policy role. In conclusion this theory asserts that everyone in Society will prosper if the WUN is allowed its place by virtue of enjoying free and fair education from the earliest age - irrespective of wealth or titled status: - there should be no private schools. The theory is valid for a village, town, land, state, industry, country, etc. In the 1960's Dutch empirical studies of the world’s economies found an ingredient common to all the most successful - high investment in Education! Consequently they implemented a long-term strategy based on this information and are now one of the most advanced / civilised nations in Europe / the world.
Part II will provide empirical proof of this theory and much more. The D.I.E.T. can be applied to virtually every social / economic political conundrum and through cross reference to various sections of it I will present "Dynamic Solutions." And the beauty of its "proper" application is that the poor will become exponentially richer and the rich will also benefit i.e. no one can lose!


In the 1950's when our sceptr'd democracy was universally admired, its "great secret" was the deference of the British people. By and large, people were ready to leave politics to the politicians and had confidence in the way they were governed. This was a nation at peace with itself. Forty years later the mood of the public is profoundly altered. People have no longer faith in the way they are governed. They distrust government ministers and hold politicians in far greater contempt than even a generation ago. And while they now want more power over government policies, they know all too well that that they don't possess it and are very pessimistic about their chances on ever obtaining it. Both John Major and Tony Blair underestimate the huge scale of popular discontent and contempt. The evidence of a remarkable "State of the Nation" survey of public attitudes about the body politic in Britain, conducted this month by ICM for the Daily Mirror and Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust reveals that most people believe it to be very sick indeed. The misconduct of MPs, the Scott report's revelations of devious and incompetent ministers and a host of other political crises and scandals - like the BSE scare - have brought about a steep fall in just two years in belief in British democracy itself. In 1994, nearly three-quarters of people felt that they lived in a "very" or "fairly" democratic country. Two years later, fewer than two-thirds of people believe that Britain is democratic. The great majority want greater checks and balances on government power. Some 77 per cent want a freedom of information act. 75 per cent want a bill of rights, and a massive three-to-one majority favours electoral reform. Three quarters of the public even want - horror of horrors for the political establishment - a written constitution"providing clear legal rules within which ministers and civil servants operate." (1/14/1)

90% agree distribution of income is unfair - Diane Coyle economics editor. An overwhelming majority of Britons think incomes have become too unequal. For the first time all social groups agree that the gap between high and low incomes has become excessive. In a result that will sound a warning bell for the government just days ahead of the Budget, which is expected to include pre-election tax cuts, nine out of ten Britons, the highest proportion ever, think the distribution of income is unfair. There is also a remarkable consensus between high- and low-income groups, a survey will reveal later this week. The increase in the proportion agreeing that the gap between high and low incomes is too big is not too surprising given the public outrage over "fat cat" pay awards. However, high earners used to be far less likely than average to agree. Concern about inequality has increased most amongst this group. Earnings inequality has risen faster in the UK since 1980 than in any other industrial country apart from the US. Britain has the third highest proportion of low-paid workers after the US and Canada. However the British government has been almost alone in its lack of concern about the international trend towards inequality. Despite criticism from the ultra-free market Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which has praised most other aspects of government policy, ministers are opposed to US and Japanese proposals for the OECD to study ways to slow the trend. (1/14/2)

The above was written prior to the last Tory budget. Of course they ignored all the opinion polls and published yet another budget that favoured the rich. Inevitably they lost the following election by a landslide. Tories believe that they are "superior" and feel no need to take note of opinion polls. However, Tony Blair has continued this tradition. One of the first major statements he issued in Parliament was to praise Thatcher and her policies - to the utter disbelief of the nation. He was elected to undo the madness imposed by the Tories yet we still suffer from disastrously underfunded public services, the House of Lords has not been altered significantly, and "the bonfire" of the Quangos has failed to materialise. Now the public have a "democratic choice" between two right wing parties both of which wish to punish the poor. Of course the gap between rich and poor has increased under "new labour." Remember our Tony is a product of the public school system.   (Britain's so called democracy)


1.The Branson Phenomena

Branson is obviously part of the WUN as he palpably makes" positive decisions. " Some years ago his company acquired a listing on the Stock Exchange. He quickly realised that the company's share price could be manipulated "unreasonably". Many investors wanted a quick simple return on their money; and when that was not forthcoming they would offload the shares - reducing their "real" value - undervaluing the company - thus making it attractive to a predator. Branson refused to be a market puppet - bought out the shares and returned to acting as a private company - and with good reason. But why?
Corporations (Corp’ns) celebrate a rise in share value when they reduce the size of the workforce (i.e."downsize " as it is known) or" sell off "physical assets (1/12/1). In particular they dump "excess staff" irresponsibly onto the state and it's benefit systems. In other words society "picks up the bill" for the Corporate Director's lack of vision. The directors and shareholders increase their wealth in the short term; the retained labour force becomes anxious (days lost through stress, poorer productivity etc); the company's assets are diluted, thus weakening its market strength. And who pays this price? Obviously, those the state can most easily target- which are wage and salary earners, those already on state benefits, old age pensioners, etc. - in other words the "poor" will compensate the rich (making them even richer) for their lack of business acumen. And now that the Corp’n has become less competitive it will be powerless to increase profits (especially in the short term) and pay higher dividends. The "smart money" (i.e. short-term investors) will move on to chase higher returns thus further undermining the Corp’ns place in the market etc. This personifies the self-destructiveness of capitalism for the state when "Laissez Faire" policies are pursued. The U.K. represents classically this demise. The River Clyde - stretching from Glasgow to the west - housed some of the most famous productive shipyards and engineering works in the world (e.g. Queen's Mary, Elizabeth and QEII.). Yet now there are only two yards operational: Yarrow, dependent for naval orders and Kavaerner - a Norwegian concern that believes in ongoing investment. Buildings of a fabulous stature and a labour force second to none have been left to decay - squandered within a mere 50 years simply due to a lack of vision/investment of / by the Corp’ns Directors. The U.K. is littered with similar fates in mining, manufacturing, car marques ( Rolls Royce, Rover etc. all now foreign owned) textile works etc. all due to maladministration by government in collusion with Corporate Directors. Later in this work I will outline "an alternative capitalist theory" but first to return to Branson. Branson is the embodiment of the theoretical romanticists of Capitalism, like Andrew Carnegie, he appreciates that his business is worth nothing without the support of a quality and loyal workforce. Branson has gone to great lengths to ensure that this loyalty is not misplaced. For example, when Virgin Air were advised to sack 300 workers a few years back Branson initially refused to do so. He concluded that the 300 were surplus to requirements but, as part of the WUN, he took a long-term view. What would happen if there was a sudden upturn in business? Answer, I'd to have to employ new trainees- I'd have the cost of retraining. The efficiency and goodwill of the Corporation would suffer during that period - meanwhile the retained staff would become nervous - further denting the Corporation’s confidence and image. His answer. I’ll retain the 300 on full pay for 3 months. I'll offer the 300 free travel on Virgin Airlines to anywhere on our schedules. After 3 months, when you return I will re-employ you if Virgin Air has experienced an upsurge in demand. If not, I will have to release you. Result, a happy ending. All 300 returned to work due to a business "boom"-only now they all possessed first hand experience of International Air Travel Destinations which in itself could only be an asset. Another indication that Branson is a "romantic capitalist" is corroborated by his aspirations to run the National Lottery and return all profits to community based projects -exactly matching my proposition in Theory Part 1/7. Much to his dismay his application was refused- as it had to be - and placed in the hands of Oflot / Camelot, a consortium of big businesses, (being investigated in several states in the U.S.A. for financial impropriety) who now earn £10's of millions in profit - and from whom? Once again the poor. And contrary to the wishes and expectations of Mr Branson the residue of £billions is allocated to the whims of the rich. The lottery paid some £13.5 million to a Mr Churchill for some diaries that contentiously he may or may not have owned! Theatres, opera, ballet, etc. have all been well rewarded - whilst the schools, inner cities, health services are all left in neglect. I can sympathise here with Mr Branson. I delivered a project at Xmas 93, which guaranteed the elimination of homeless here in Scotland by 1995, and more! Viewed as the best plan ever seen it was of course censored by London. ( contrary to belief there is / was a lot of money to be made for a few from homelessness). Grones hate change - especially if it is brokered by the WUN and supports the poor. Nevertheless Branson continues to compete with Corporations controlled by the NYN. He will always be successful: now one of Britain's richest individuals and still relatively young.
 2.Singapore - soon to be the Richest Nation on Earth
By 2015 Singapore is projected to achieve the highest income per capita in the world. Considering that in the 1959 when it gained independence from the U.K. it was deemed a third world country how have they achieved this transformation in one generation? Lee Kuan Yew - as quoted in 1/9/1 stated that I will level the playing field by giving your children - regardless of who you are or what you have an equal chance at the starting post. Lee probably didn’t know that he was espousing the most fundamental principle for the initiation of a Dynamic Expansionary Economy. Other fundamentals are required to ignite the Dynamic Expansion and fortunately for Lee they were all there. He was presiding over a new society. The rules and mistakes made by the colonialists of the U.K. had been observed. This was a starting point. The WUN was unleashed and could start to make positive decisions now that the playing field was level. The natural resources that had been plundered by the U.K. could be used for domestic consumption. A new set of legislators - untainted by the Corpns were emplaced - and lessons were learned from nearby Japanese Banking Institutions. The three (1/5) main players, the banks, the capitalists, and the politicians had to work in harmony from day one. Their common link -Education. And so it was that all the Institutions were encouraged to promote the well being of the family. The results are self-evident and more. Singapore, employing the empirical knowledge that any neighbouring expanding economy will enjoy symbiotic success, now invests enormous capital in China - a country 240 times it's size - albeit whose economy is expanding at a colossal 9% per annum. The only threat to continued Singaporean success is Nepotism, i.e. the rich and titled retaining power. When the Grones are elevated to these heights the intoxication of power overwhelms

On coming to power in 1959 Lee Kuan Yew decided there was no room for handouts. His theory was simple. I will not subsidise your consumption as it will debase you and weaken the nation - I will subsidise your health, your education, so that your earning power will increase. I will level the playing field by giving your children - regardless of who you are - an equal chance at the starting post. He pointed to the results with pride. "Singapore has 90% home ownership. The cheapest home owned today by any hawker or taxi driver is a three room flat worth £65,000. When we privatise, as we have done with telecoms, we give each citizen shares sold at a discount, and bonus shares.

3. Japan - The Tigers - Germany - Expansionary Capitalism

The mainland of Japan is a set of Islands. 75% of the land is unusable due to it's mountainous nature, it’s prone to earthquakes, experiences 30 typhoons per annum, and has to import every drop of oil it consumes. None of these logistics are favourable pre-conditions for establishing a prosperous society yet Japan has confounded everyone. Indeed the immense capital expenditure required to construct an earthquake- proof infrastructure would be beyond most countries. How have they succeeded? Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Germany share a common denominator - liberation. Japan and Germany had to rebuild their infrastructure after the war. The others have endured full-scale civil war, declarations of Independence etc. New governments emerged with a mandate for "change" i.e. the WUN was welcomed. The big three, the Banks, Corporations, and Politicians were encouraged to work in harmony. Education was prioritised. The rest is history. But heed some notes of caution. Japan is nepotistic. The second generation, many of whom are the NYN, have been empowered to make decisions. Consequently the economy is balanced between stagnation and Contraction. Their finances could be troubled. (2/20/1). Indonesia’s government is corrupt. In an expanding economy this need not be a problem. However should the economic bubble burst civil disturbances will ensue.

The Brenninkmeyer name may not be as familiar as Murdoch, Maxwell, Forte or Connolly but the staunchly Catholic Dutch family controls a familiar high-street brand: They have owned and run C & A since 1841. Low-key, yet immensely successful, the Brenninkmeyers maintain their grip on this international business by ensuring that no member of the family is given a high ranking, or indeed any job unless they are up to it. In the old days it was a case of a vocation with C&A or the priesthood. (2/19/2)

JAPAN - The £5.6 billion bankruptcy of Nichei Finance announced last week is the biggest corporate collapse in Japan' post war history. It is also a worrying sign that Japan's economic recovery is still dodgy. Some analysts predict the economy will contract in the current quarter, as it did in the last quarter, and take Japan back into technical recession. (2/20/1)

4.The Grones and U.K. Plc.

From being labeled " The Engine Shop of the World " how has the U.K. succeeded in becoming the economic and social dustbin of Europe - and in only two generations! That's simply explained. When the new Industrialists created enormous wealth for themselves and the U.K the Aristocracy were enraged, as they fatuously believed themselves to be the U.K. patrons. The Aristocracy realised that they could not " change"i.e.compete with this new breed so they developed a simple anti-dote. "If we the aristocrats cannot compete why don't we invite them to join our club?"And so it was. Royalty i.e. The Aristocracy - via Parliament- in recognising the services of this new breed endowed the natural capitalists with heritable titles such as Lord, Sir, etc. Consequently this enabled both sets of offspring to attend the "cherished private school"- gradually alienating the WUN. In time father would assign his Corp'n to his son who would have secured some type of title (Wish Fulfillment again , their heirs- being only a mirror of genes and environment -"appeared" to be decision makers.) The son would invite fellow peers to become Executive Directors. The two became a one! And hence all the Aristocrats now considered themselves U.K.patrons and decision makers. Colossal Industries and the Empire disappeared due to their inability to decide positively, if decide at all! Within two generations the fabulous wealth of The U.K. has turned to dust.
(2/19/1 and 2/19/2)

5. Inheritance

Heritable wealth is debatable but heritable "decision making"is nonsense. The stress that heirs endure often leads to misery/ suicide. This confirmation not only derives from statistics but also from the example of a typical public school boy (2/22/1). They are not "cut out for business" and therefore not natural capitalists. Yet they form the political and economic base of the"Conservative Party"- command support from media- controllers, in particular the press. And that's why outsiders perceive the U.K. as "MAD". A classic example is "The Tax Loophole" on (2/22/2). £70m of inheritance tax was avoided to preserve "Works of Art" on the condition that the public had "open access for viewing". Straightforward? No! Scotland has no Land Register. So how do we discover where these treasures are held. Answer: The Tax Office. No! Tax officers are not allowed to disclose an individual’s Tax Return. Catch 22. Remember, Grones must remain on the same beach-or move to a higher level. The rich save via the taxman - £70 million per annum on the promise of public access to land / castles etc. But the taxman is bound by silence. So the landowner can erect "No Trespassing " signs yet still claim the "publics right" in his tax return!

Heir who lost a fortune - It was a nightmare having a son like Charles Tennant, said his father Lord Glennconner, but "I never loved him any less". His son and heir, Charles, who died of hepatitis C aged 39, had suffered a long-term addiction to heroin which led Glenconner to disinherit him in 1978. Tennant conquered his addiction in 1993 but by then he had lost his claim to a £14 million family fortune, including a 9,000 acre Peebleshire estate and considerable tracts of land in Africa and the Carribean. The Glenconner fortune largely derived from the industrial bleaching of linen during the last century. (2/21/1)

Inheritance is taxing -by Alastair Ross: family firms risk tearing themselves apart unless they start facing up to squabbles and power struggles that could send them under. Experts reckon the added emotional burden of dealing with immediate relatives' professionally is one of the main reasons family businesses fall into foreign hands. Up to 75 per cent of businesses in the UK are family-owned providing 50 per cent of all jobs and half the gross national product. - but only 30 per cent survive through to the second generation and under 13% stay in the hands of a third generation, say business advisers Grant Thornton (2/21/1)

Inherited wealth is a real handicap to happiness: certain a death to ambition as cocaine is to morality. Amschel Rothschild's suicide reminds us how privilege can be a burden, writes Rebecca Fowler.
He had perhaps found like those before him, that money and privilege may be as poisonous to the "haves " as poverty is to the "have-nots." As the Rothschilds began to grieve in the privacy of their mansions, it appeared that Amschel had fallen foul of a family curse. Like other powerful dynasties, where fortunes are made but souls are still broken, the younger generations live in the often-overwhelming shadow of their ancestors. Among the other privileged families where tragedy has struck are the Americans Vanderbilts. Gloria's son, Carter Cooper, threw himself from their 14th floor apartment in 1988, swearing angrily at his mother just before he leapt. It was an ominous display of William K Vanderbilt's observation, years before, that: "Inherited wealth is a real handicap to happiness. It is as certain a death to ambition as cocaine is to morality." The same shadow apparently loomed over the Getty family, which made a fortune in oil. John Paul Getty 1 became the richest man in the world, but his doomed son, George, died from an overdose of drugs and alcohol after failing to find a place for himself. Another blighted dynasty is the Guinness family, which Amschel married into when Anita Guinness became his wife. Lady Henrietta Guinness took her own life 15 years ago, throwing herself from an ancient aqueduct. She had fled to Italy to marry an out-of-work waiter, claiming: "If I had been poor I would have been happy."
Public schoolboy - lack of self-esteem because they know that everything they have - nice clothes, free homes, free cars, trust funds, an inheritance - is not of their own making. His lack of self-esteem may not be obvious in the kid's outward behaviour, but scratch the surface and you'll find it there. "The same kids will often mature slowly, lack drive and find it hard to create their own goals; they tend to languish in their parents shadow and, as a result, are unable to handle power when it finally comes their way. They find it hard to make a break from home and will even choose partners to please their parents or else partners who will organise the running of their lives for them. This is particularly true of young men looking, often without realising it, for a mother substitute. Most of all they find it hard to take risks for fear that all they have may be taken from them. In other words this kind of child is not cut out for business. (2/22/1)

Statistics: Modern Britain, where the children of the "salariat"parents have a big advantage - they are five to six times likely to achieve top-group employment as working-class peers with the same educational qualifications - has barely changed. (2/22/1)
The parents: It's interesting that many of them are the Tory backbone who, having disposed of their children for most of the year and removed them form any parental comfort they might need, have the gall to slag off single parents for not providing a rounded family life. The greatest tragedy is that our national and business leaders still tend to come from boarding schools, bringing their own, special, upper class, warp factor with them. Schools like the Fettes (Blair's school) of the Sixties were barbaric, obscene and certainly unlikely to produce well-adjusted young adults. Fagging has gone and so has the cane and the strap. But nothing can change the fact that boarding school still means ripping a child from the bosom of its family. To call the 14-year old Tony Blair's adventure "bunking off" or "truanting" is to belittle the misery and heartbreak of this cruel establishment custom of relieving rich parents of their responsibilities. (2/22/1)

Tax loophole; landowners are saving millions in tax relief shielded by the system, writes Rob Edwards, environment editor - landowners in Scotland have cracked it. All they have to do, to avoid a huge tax bill is to say their land is open to everyone. The beauty is that no one knows about it so the public never get near. Over the past 10 years relief from £20m inheritance tax has been granted to 63 Scottish estates where there is land or buildings of"outstanding scenic, historic or scientific interest"open to the public. Throughout the UK relief has amounted to about £150m. (2/22/2)

 6. The Real World UK

When Grones assume power "sense" evaporates and reforms in mystical semantics. I'll run through a lengthy list to consolidate this point. On "Small Companies" they blame lack of payment on "Euphoria" (I got an order). Ask any small businessmen in the U.K.! What is your biggest problem? They will reply -payment! (2/23/1). This is a common and often tragic situation. Companies close - directors lose their house/wife/family and often commit suicide. That’s life U.K. I know of a solid small businessman who supplied an oil multinational with a unique product and was awaiting payment of a £275k invoice. Payment was delayed. His overdraft was £225K.The Bank foreclosed his business on the Monday. Two days later the cheque arrived for £275K. After all the expenses incurred (i.e. the liquidator, bank, lawyers etc.) were paid there was nothing left. This "elderly" gentleman - 10 years with the Bank - was left penniless. He had to break the news to his 12 workers / families of their redundancy. He had to contact all his customers - he had a 5-year advance order book - and explain the situation. And of course he had to face his own wife and family. I believe he committed suicide. But that's quite common when dealing with U.K. Banks.

Government yesterday angered small companies by claiming they were to blame for not getting paid on time. Rejecting calls to introduce laws that would give firms the right to claim interest on overdue bills, Richard Page, the minister for small business, said "small businesses are so delighted about winning an order they forget about being paid." His comments were condemned by the Forum of Private Business, which speaks for 24,000 members. "It takes a blind nerve to suggest small companies bring this on themselves-dominant customers know full well they can get away with not paying their bills on time. A survey by the CBI found late payment is a problem for almost half of small and medium sized businesses. Almost a quarter have to wait up to 90 days before being paid, causing cash flow difficulties, repaying bank loans, and the collapse of up to 5,000 businesses a year. The issue of late payment shot to the top of the political agenda earlier this year following remarks by Mr Heseltine (now a Sir) that as a small businessman he had been "quite skillful at stringing along the creditors." Late payment, he said, was part of the culture of British business. (this man progressed to become minister for trade and industry - where he instigated investment in the mining industry of £600m and two years later ordered the closure of the same mines, and the dismissal of 30,000 workers!) (2/23/1)

7. Education U.K. - U.S.A

Investment in education is a paramount precondition for social prosperity. We hear the "Grones in Power" exalting this principle and "promising " to invest in it's youth. Yet again in the UK every empirical statistic proves the fallacy of their words. Schools are falling into disrepair. Teachers would earn more as a labourer on a building site and are thus leaving the profession in increasing numbers. Class sizes are growing. University students must work part time simply to survive - and are suffering "abnormal stress"(1/7/2). Once more the WUN / Poor are being denied fair education yet they are still extolled to become entrepreneurs. What Chance? Another sad but true example emanates from Los Angeles - a relatively new city. In the early 90's a psychological study was performed to identify the WUN. The researchers were staggered by the results. 90% of the WUN were confined to Ghettos. The progeny of the rich and famous displayed merely an odd patch of the WUN. And this serves to explain why L.A. is so violent. The WUN will literally fight their way out of the ghettos to exact revenge on the unjust system that inherently favours the rich and excessively punishes the poor. Unfortunately for the U.S.A. this malaise has spread beyond the ghettos and is affecting the lower to middle classes. The growing bands of militia, Waco, Oklahoma, the Olympic Games bomb, are only reminders (or should be) of the growing unrest with the political system. In the forthcoming elections (i.e.1996) less than 50% are expected to vote. What an indictment of this raw capitalist democracy. (more later)

8. Political Grones U.K.

The U.K. political system has been overwhelmed by Grones. So much so that a once honest society is now polluted with insidiousness, dishonesty and lies. A recent poll indicated that 60% of the population wished to live elsewhere. Since Thatcher expelled "the Wets" no positive decisions have ensued. Stark examples follow.


Thatcher came to power promising to eradicate Quangos (unelected bodies who control £billions - last year £60.4 Billion). Since her election these mysterious bodies have grown by 47%. Not only are they unelected they can also bar the public from their meetings. They are only answerable to their master, the Conservative Minister appointed by Thatcher/Major. Grones have this exceptional quality of saying one thing (i.e. what they have been told by their press agents to say) and doing the exact opposite, whilst assigning themselves with moral rage and sycophantic preaching to justify this reversal. Thatcher, the bastion of free competition has increased these unelected bodies by 50%. Where is the competition / honesty? Grones cannot allocate responsible positions to the WUN so the Quangos are just another political lattice designed to protect their own and obstruct the WUN (i.e. change) from access. (I shall elucidate this point) (2/24/1).

Unelected quangos will soon have more power than elected councils, leaving the public"almost without influence on the business specialist elites that rule them, according to the most authoritative study of placemen in Britain. A report by the constitutional scrutiny group Democratic Audit, to be published next week, details a vast expansion in Whitehall's control of basic local services. It shows that by the end of last year £60.4 billion - 35 per cent of central Government expenditure - was managed by quangos appointed by and answerable only to Conservative Ministers. Despite Lord Nolan's inquiry into standards in public life, and widespread political concern about jobbery, Conservative patronage is greater now than it has ever been, the authors say. There are at least 5,750 quangos, controlling opted-out schools, further education colleges, housing associations, and enterprise councils and dozens of other services. They are staffed by 66,000 members - outnumbering elected councilors by three to one. And despite assurances given after the Nolan enquiry about advertising quango posts and ensuring a measure of openness, many do not even make the most basic attempt to inform the public about their work. Since 1979, when Margaret Thatcher came to power promising to cut quangos; real spending on government appointed bodies has increased by 47 per cent. And that accumulation of power is accelerating; between 1994 and 1995 expenditure rose by £9billion. Although there are signs of greater openness, only 11 per cent are required to hold public meetings and only 16 per cent have an ombudsmen to whom the public can complain. "People have no say, either directly or through their representatives;" the report concludes. "They cannot call quango members to account or replace them. They rarely know who they are." (2/24/1)


When Grones assume power they cannot change their ways. If landmines are produced then they will continue to be produced. That doesn't prevent them from announcing work towards a total worldwide ban whilst in the same breath announcing plans to replace "Old Mines" with new "Smart Mines". Furthermore it is common "empirical" knowledge that a suffusion of mines in a country will devastate civilian lives and stagnate the economy as the WUN will continually have to prosper simply to pay for amputations, synthetic legs / arms, long term hospitalisation costs etc. of the whole nation. And this point should not be taken in isolation. A stagnant economy benefits no one. In recent years, particularly in Africa, many countries have seen large-scale contractions in their economies, which not only affects their people, but also world trade in general. Expanding economies symbiotically expand other economies. Contracting economies will necessarily reduce world trade and punish their indigenous peoples as argued in part 1- sections 6+7. (graphs in 2/11will further depict this) I'll illustrate this point with landmines. This is a purely economical appreciation as the ongoing misery of fear and starvation caused by the remnants of unexploded landmines is beyond quantification. Why should we care? Europe and U.S.A. do not have any landmines. Figures are based on circa 1994 - and highlighted by Princess Diana!

The Economics of Landmines
Take a mine whose:
Manufacturing input cost is £30.00
Production cost + profit £40.00
Total £70.00
Sales profit £50.00
Total £120.00
"Dead Weight" Cost Assume -£40.00
(see Part 2/12 A.)
The Difference i.e. £80.00
The Difference i.e. £80.00 "multiplied" Kenysian style would be low as much of this £80.00 would be "retained" simply to continue the trade. Assume a multiplier of 5. Therefore total U.K. trade benefit is £80+50%=80+40+20etc. = @ £160.
Negative Costs: Transportation, storage, laying, discovering and destroying each mine, at least £100
We know they inflict 2000 casualties per month.
For every casualty there's the cost of coffins or initial hospital treatment, replacement limbs, ongoing treatments with drugs, welfare or subsistence payments etc. This figure would range from a minimum of £500 to thousands in the short term. Take a random figure of say £850. The long-term costs are incalculable as some organs may never heal etc. The negative multiplier swings into action two ways. Firstly, the Cost of the individual. I'll assume a low multiplier of -5 = @-£1700- as calculated above.
Figures for USA, France, U.K. = +160 per victim i.e.gross profit to host manufacturer.
Countries exposed to mines e.g. Yugoslavia, Angola, etc. -1700 per victim
Value to world trade = -1540 per victim
24000 casualties per year x 1540 = -40,000,000 i.e. minus £40million
Emphasis -this is a minimum loss to world trade in the short term
Why? Regarding each nation whose fields may be polluted for 30 years - What Cost? That figure is simply incalculable. This is economic madness supplied by major industrialised nations (supporting tacitly third world wars) who nevertheless complain when funds are required for "foreign" aid. That is aid to many countries they themselves have economically decimated. For example Laos
 The National Health Service (NHS)
This is an institution close to the hearts of the British public. After World War II it was institutionalised in a mildly patronistic way-and became a bedrock for every working woman's/ family's lives. Until recently £ for £ the NHS was deemed to be one of the most efficient in the world. But the Grones decided that they could make the NHS more efficient by sending in more Grones. The newly appointed Accountant's" brief was to make this efficient organisation more efficient. The reward for doing so would be £30,000 per annum, company car etc. The cost of this exercise would be met by the hospital whose savings, theoretically that is, would far exceed the accountants’ wages. Meanwhile, cost savings / benefits were to be evaluated in accordance with the patient's happiness with the service, the nurse's attentiveness and smile, etc. How can the Accountants put a price on this? Moreover, how can they put a price on the renewed stress they were inflicting upon a hallowed institution which was already underfunded and whose staff were underpaid. The Grones still thunder that they are investing more and more, cutting down on" waiting lists "etc. (2/26/1) Where is the money going and why is the staff of a once great institution threatening rebellion?

Union's fury as health chief's pay is revealed - Annette mcann -The directors of Scotland's Health Service Trusts are receiving more than £15 million in remuneration, according to a survey released today by the Labour MP Brian Donohoe. The MP for Cunninghame south said the study of the 1995-1996 annual reports of Scotland's health trusts showed the directors received £15,785,000. - Half a dozen NHS trusts are being paid more than the Prime Minister, according to a salary survey published today. Commons library data has shown that " the total real-terms administrative, clerical and management costs of the NHS in Britain have risen by 63 per cent since 1990 - over £1bn in todays' money. Bureaucracy now consumes £2.9bn of the NHS resources (2/26/1)

Britain is in the bottom end of the table when it comes to spending on health care and has fewer doctors per head than any other nation in Europe. A report published this week shows the country, along with Greece, Spain, Ireland, and Portugal are the lowest spenders in the European Union. Luxembourg, which has the highest living standards in the EU tops the league, as a nation which spends the most for each resident citizen on the health needs of the population. France and Germany follow closely behind. All three spend almost one and a half times per head than the EU average and four times as much as the community's worst spenders.

Junior doctors living in squalor - Junior doctors are being forced to live in appalling conditions because minimum standards set by the Government as long ago as 1991 are being routinely being flouted at hospitals around the country, a report published by The British Medical Association says today. Out of 120 NHS trusts questioned, not one complied with the Government standards. Less than half provided accommodation which included a comfortable bed: 60 per cent had inadequate heating: less than a quarter provided soundproofing: many sites failed to provide adequate security arrangements and fewer than half of them provided decent kitchen facilities. Although many of the doctors using hospital accommodation worked through the night, it was found that very few hospitals provided hot meals after 7pm. Annabel Ferriman. (2/26/1)

Thatcher and Current Grones
Thatcher was a classic Grone. 'The Iron Lady,' 'I shall not turn' etc. Unfortunately the British public mistook this for strength rather than seeing the reality behind the mirage. She could not change - she was the 'Queen of the Grones.' Her simple philosophy was to cut down on bureaucracy (cost has now doubled), lower taxes to give incentive to work harder (tax now increased), bash the trade unions (she did successfully). We are now a low wage economy and boast the highest gap in Beneleux countries between rich and poor. She sold off assets owned by the "people" to the rich at basement prices, manipulated interest rates in a most irrational manner, which created instability in industry, property etc. She did nothing worthy of praise. Her iron belief that everyone had 'free will' - like herself - postulated that we would all benefit from the pursuit of these policies. But typical of a Grone the opposite has resulted. The national debt has risen by £200billion, income from privatisation £80billion and £140billion of oil revenues have been squandered in 17 years, yet the Conservatives expected a "feel good factor" to win them the next general election. When Grones wield power nothing makes sense.
B.S.E. illustrates Grones at work once more. It’s threat was virtually confirmed in 1985 but no positive action was implemented to address what had to become a European / world crisis for the beef industry! Please continue to eat beef - even though it may kill you- was one of the latest government broadsides to support the industry. (2/27/1) Not particularly reassuring - but to Grones it makes sense. The fact that they could not enforce the agreed cull with the EU further demonstrated their inability to decide. Grones simply can't handle questions that they are unfamiliar with. The WUN possesses this quality but that is denied when the Grones impose the:-stranglehold

Beef scare-Stephen Goodwin- Censorship and the silencing of government scientists had contributed to the crisis over mad cow disease, public health experts claimed yesterday at a conference called to explore the lessons of the BSE affair for Britain's system of government. One notable absentee from the day-long debate was anybody from the Ministry of Agriculture. Douglas Hogg's department had been invited by Charter 88, the conference organisers, to send a representative, but had declined. Andrew Puddephat, director of charter 88, campaigners for democratic reform, said the story of BSE was a story of ten years of secrecy, of a policy torn between two imperatives:"the protection of the farming industry on the one hand and the avoidance of the use of taxpayers' money on the other." But the most damning evidence came from the medical and public health professionals attending the conference, which was held in London. Dr Helen Grant, a retired neuropathologist said MAFF vets had refused to make use of a live urine test devised to detect animals infected with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy and had"denigrated" the test whenever asked about it. There is "officially" no live test, Dr Grant said, yet it had been used successfully on 14 out of 14 humans infected with the BSE equivalent Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. In a paper circulated at the conference Dr Grant said a government virologist who, in 1990 offered a test to diagnose the disease in sub-clinically affected animals going through abattoirs into the food chain had been ordered to stop his research work and was eventually dismissed. Dr Noel Olsen, chairman of the UK Public Health Medicine Consultative Committee, said it was considered "exceptionally unlikely" that there would be a massive epidemic of the new variant CJD but it need never have happened at all if the "precautionary principle"had been the basis of government policy. Instead MAFF had acted in pursuit of profitability and an inappropriate political desire for deregulation. (2/27/1)

Mad cow "con" angers experts Vital information about BSE was hidden form independent researchers by Government officials, it was claimed today. Scientists claim that government agencies hid evidence to protect their own interests. They said officials feared the data would suggest many more sick animals had entered the food chain than was previously thought. The allegations are made in the prestigious scientific journal Nature, which claims that Roy Anderson, Professor of zoology at Oxford University faced an "uphill struggle" to obtain confidential statistics.

9.The Stranglehold

They suffocated the natural capitalists by ordaining them with rank, titles - seducing their progeny into private schools on a "perpetual basis". As decision making is non heritable the NYN have once more quickly (i.e. in 100 years) resumed their suffocating powers - their ruling "elitism" has evolved a monstrous bureaucracy (vastly higher than the Tigers) designed to frustrate change and innovation. Another example (and I could go on, and on) is highlighted by the Civil War in Northern Ireland. Major was reluctant to enter talks with Clinton and Bruton that presaged the current peace. He was pressurised to do so. And when the outcome of the talks inspired a rag bag of a cease fire Major and his Grones claimed a share of the glory -a typical Grone. Do nothing - if something positive occurs insinuate that self and "fellow Grones" instigated its resolution (even though it's a complete lie!). Since the Peace Summit - the outbreak of a fragile peace has been partially eclipsed by mainland U.K. bombings, a permanent and irrevocable cessation of hostilities is now possible /plausible / certain, should the WUN sit with Clinton, Bruton and the Protagonists and endorse positive goals for both communities. The only drawback? Westminster Grones.
I introduced a novel plan, Xmas 93, to eliminate homelessness and generate hundreds of £millions for investment in dynamic projects such as housing infrastructure, etc. It was hailed as a "master plan" and "infallible". Concurrently and here I sympathise with Mr. Branson - Richard tendered for the "National Lottery"- both projects were vetoed as they promised to invest resources entirely into social projects. My project was censored at a senior level as it solved a problem that" existed." Richard was overlooked in favour of an organisation whose operations were being investigated in the U.S. for fraudulent practices. The Grones strike again. Between 1994 and today some two to five hundred million pounds could have been introduced into areas in the economy whose high multiplier consumption (because of the UK’s chronic poverty levels-(2/28/1+2/29/1) would have injected some £billions more in real terms into deprived / needy areas - a huge boost not only to the economy but also to the improvement of the nation's quality of life - higher employment, reduced crime etc. However that was not to be. The Grones opted to pay £13 million for a little book, upgrade opera, theatres etc. out of the profits accumulated from the lottery - at a fraction of gain to the economy, and at no gain for the poor. Consequently violence and anti -social behaviour are spiraling, contributing to an increase in insurance costs, lawyers’ and police fees, and bulging prisons - all of which are "dead weight" costs (2/12 A) that negate the multiplier bonus. (Solutions proffered later). The social costs to American Society are some £450 billion of dead weight costs
Huge gap between rich and poor - Britain is now the most unequal country in the Western world, an authoritative new United Nation's report. The gap between the rich and poor is as great as in Nigeria. Detailed statistics in the Human Development Report published last week also demonstrate that inequality has grown sharply during Conservative rule and that the poor in Britain now have to live on much the same incomes as their equivalents in Hungary and Korea. (2/28/1)

Poverty in Britain has climbed by more than 18 per cent since the 1992 general election according to figures published today by the Labour Party. That is the equivalent of 865 people joining the ranks of the poor every day.

Up to two million British children are suffering ill-health and stunted growth because of malnutrition, according to a report to be published this week. Poverty on a scale not seen since the thirties is blamed for the return of rickets, anaemia and tuberculosis - and for reversing the recent trend of bigger, healthier children.

Up to 1 million tenants live in homes unfit for human habitation-but the government is stalling on monitoring landlords. Neasa Mcerlean reports-There are mushrooms on the ground and mice in the shadows but this is not the middle of the countryside - it is in a bedsit in London. The borough of Hackney estimates that about 40 per cent of bedsits are unfit for human habitation - compared with 18 per cent of other rented properties. Many lack hot water, some are in serious disrepair and most are overcrowded. It is estimated that more than one million occupants of bedsits, bed and breakfast hotels and other shared accommodation are living in conditions, which present serious health risks. (2/29/1)
It is a chilly, dank room even with the tiniest flicker of heat that can be afforded - a flame from the oven. But that is still better than the rest of the flat, which gets no heat. It lacks suitably thick walls and even doors to insulate from the winter wind. The children catch colds. The colds turn to pneumonia. £4 for a bag of coal is too expensive and an electric heater is likewise beyond her means. The local council can't afford to install central heating this year, so she will wait until they reconsider it in April. Maybe by then her two-year-old will be over the pneumonia that has kept her under care for the last year. Life for Tracey Mcormack in Harlesden, London, 1996 (2/28//1)

11.Capitalism"as we know it." The "Tigers" - The Poor

Theoretically Capitalism depends on the "free vote"of it’s citizens to elect legislators who will endeavour to maximise the efficiency of labour and capital within an 'open' market. In an expanding economy (Britain late 1800's, USA early 1900’s) this theory is not entirely misplaced - that is - until the Grones inherit wealth via mum or dad as capitalists - or titleholders. They will not invest in speculative ventures as these require a risk factor which the NYN are unwilling to "chance" (2/20/1). A Grone will typically invest safe money in a solid company, obtain reasonable dividends, etc. underpinned by a solid asset base (irrespective of management quality). Fast speculative money will bob between companies that potentially offer a quick reward i.e. through asset / labour stripping – downsizing, and at this point the logic of the stock market collapses. Let's take some empirical information to confirm this hypothesis.

11a. Keynes economics "explained"

A very brief resumee. Keynes understood that the circulation of money was a fundamental to the quality of life of a society. He reasoned that if you gave a poor man say for example £100 then he would spend at least 90% quickly and those monies would continue to circulate. He would save 10%. Not only that, he would also spend these monies amongst the poor in his local area. In turn because they were also poor they would continue to spend on the same differential i.e. to the multiple of 9 etc. The multiplier is 9. Now he further reasoned that if you were to give the rich the same £100 they would not necessarily spend any of that money (simply because they have no need to!). But let's assume that they do and spend £50 from the £100. Those that are the beneficiaries of that wealth would probably not need the money as grones congregate in similar flocks-so they would probably spend a similar 50% etc. This multiplier is 5. Now the "assumed "inference" is that nevertheless this money still flows, albeit in a bank-but what happens next? The banks via the stock market are committed to maximising profits in the short term to ostensibly boost the value of that "investment", (such as a pension fund) regardless of the consequences. So if "downsizing" leads to short term profits they will be seized irrespective of any damage that is inflicted upon the state.
This theory stated that NYN from ten wish to remain the same or "improve" their lot. The WUN is /or should be the quantum catalyst to trigger this change and benefit all. That this has failed to occur in the U.K. is due to 'selective education' compounded by an archaic class structure that still prevails today. So, if we parallel this to the "individual" we can infer that a Grone stock market investor would wish to invest in a stable company, acquire regular and increasing dividends, meanwhile consistently augmenting the value of the initial investment to procure a "nest egg" when "retirement calls." Downsizing eliminates this as a "possibility" because fast money destabilises the market- as it is attached to short term profits irrespective of the harm to Corpn's, their staff etc. The fast investor cashes in his profits then pursues other vulnerable companies to seek similar riches. The whole process is inherently destabilising as the fast money is effectively corroding the system which it was initially conceived to support! Managerial decisions may be reached to suit the market. Short termism will almost always be adopted - yet the evidence from Nucor (1/11/1), Branson, and Andrew Carnegie positively shows that the retention of labour should be prioritised and that downsizing is both a drain on the Corpn's competitiveness and a renewed burden upon the state. (2/30/1) What has triggered this apparent paradox?

Jobs-David Usborne-New York-Diane Coyle. There was pandemonium on Wall Street yesterday when share and bond prices plummeted after figures showing a surge in new jobs took US unemployment to a six year low last month. Average hourly earnings jumped by 9 cents, the biggest monthly increase on record. (2/30/1)

As an individual a Grone would not speculate on relatively ("seemingly") unstable Corporations. No, he employs a Fund Manager whose sole remit is to expand his capital stock using profits as the goal. Consequently, both parties can justify technically "immoral" decisions. The investor can protest his innocence due to his inability to influence the Board, whilst they in turn defend their actions by stressing the importance of "shareholder value." I'm sure neither party would approve of this procedure if there were an alternative. The individual investor wouldn't wish redundancy on his fellow worker (instability) and the fund manager could rest easier knowing the invested funds were placed in enlightened Corporations.

12.The Economic Cake and The Market Structure.
All empirical evidence establishes that the rich are consistently becoming richer relative to the poor. This need not occur as it does without alteration to the mechanisms of the market structure. It is unstoppable and will definitely lead to further civil wars and possibly the ultimate end of humankind. (2/30/2) Let's inspect this mechanism.

When 447 dollar-billionaires own wealth that exceeds the combined annual incomes of half the world's peoples, there should be enough injustice to stir a politician's anger and ample spur to putting the world to rights. But what if the world simply cannot be put to rights? What if international capitalism is so deeply entrenched that no single country can stand against it?

To improve a Grone's competitiveness (ergo share price) it freely off loads assets/labour and places the burden on the "political state". Frequently these politicians are corporate shareholders (A oneness that must lead to a conflict of interests) who receive a salary - paid for to address problems which they themselves have actually caused! This to an extent personifies the madness of our "Perception of Capitalism". No Corporate Director should be allowed access to political decision making and vice versa as unbiased decision making is impossible. And this is particularly true for a Grone because he / she will decide in favour of his / her "group" rather than seeking impartial conclusions. In other words the Corporate politician will often side in favour of "downsizing" simply to accrue short term financial gains and ignore the empirical evidence which implies that long term damage will afflict both state and Corporation. It is this short termism - supported by the market - which breeds inequality, instability and social disharmony. Consequently, as the poor witness the extravagances and deceit of the rich outlined daily in the press they react by theft, burglary and dishonesty (The WUN encourages the NYN to rebel) etc. And it is in areas such as this that dictates the size of the economic cake.

The Economic Cake.
I'll first emphasise the relatives of wealth as outlined earlier. Take the three possibilities. An expanding, stagnant, and contracting economy - remembering Grones must remain the same or increase their share of wealth. In a contracting economy the rich must become relatively richer. This is indisputable. In a stagnant economy the rich will remain the same or probably become relatively richer because they expect their incomes to continually rise. It is only in an expanding economy that the poor can perceive themselves to be - or have the perception of "feeling richer"as everyone generally benefits from this expansion. This is, or should be, the capitalist mechanism envisaged to prosper mankind. Why it doesn't operate successfully is due to the Grones who only want to remain the same / improve their lot. However they reject others’ ideas / projects for change simply because they receive no "reflected glory" This point will be practically illustrated later. Examples 1+2 equate with our notional perception.
In the real world this picture can be dramatically successful - Singapore, Malaysia etc. and spectacularly destructive U.K., Albania, Nigeria etc. Why?
Let's separate theory from reality.
Example 1 - Dead Weight Costs = bureaucracy, prisons, lawyers etc.(yellow) Debt = national debt (red) Production = manufacturing, farming etc. Let's assume a growth rate of 3%. (blue)

Ex 1 Ex 2


Ex 3 Ex 4

Examples 1 and 2 illustrate a country's notional standardised economic data. Debt is the national debt. Dead weights are the often unnecessary costs of bureaucracy that are imposed when the political/civil structure are governed by self-serving elites-whether they call themselves capitalist /communist or whatever. They will as this theory asserts look after "their own" rather than the population at large. Let' assume a national growth rate of 3% in the above cases. Example 1 is the "is" of our theoretical country. Example 2 assumes "seemingly absurdly" that each piece of the cake expands equally. The "absurdity" is explained by the greed of the grones who always want to remain the same or increase their share of the cake. Dead weights should decline due to the overall prosperity generated by this new growth but it depends on how this new wealth is distributed
Example 3 indicates why many tiger economies have become so prosperous. In a rapidly expanding economy, which carries %wise fewer dead weights, the economic stimulus will derive from the WUN therefore the surplus will be relatively evenly distributed. Consequently, crime will necessarily decline- and also therefore the bureaucracy that accompanies it. Judges, lawyers, prisons etc. are non-productive and therefore negative economic costs. The "bonus" indicated will actually augment the relative value of the prod'n sector as the combination of “dead” and “debt” will command a smaller percentage of the cake as a whole.
Unfortunately for the U.K. and some others example 4 is the more relevant even assuming a positive growth rate. No benefits will filter through to benefit society because the growth in national debt and "dead weights" expand exponentially greater than production. This is because the grones will insist on receiving a far greater percentage of this annual "bonus". And indeed this has occurred in the UK and the USA in the last 20 years. Both countries have achieved consistent growth yet their poor have consistently become poorer. At least Mr Clinton acknowledged this but was unable to rectify the phenomena because he was simply employed within an administration that inherently favoured grones (ergo the paradox of isolationism). He noted that that in the last twenty years the rich had exponentially benefited compared to the poor-who had seen an actual reduction in their living standards see 1.14/1 and 2/30/2.
In conclusion, even if there is an annual growth rate it is not logically necessary that all will prosper. However what is a necessary corollary is that if economies contract the grones will continue to demand to remain the same. For example in the potato famine in the1840's in Ireland, when millions starved the country was continuing to export potatoes! In Scotland the Aristocracy decided that sheep were more valuable than people and instituted the Highland Clearances – whereby the tenant farmers were burned out of their houses.

Dead Weights

A. Bureaucracy
When the poor see the rich being overtly dishonest they obviously reflect this behaviour to some extent. The poor are assumed to be completely stupid. A recent "EEC report" indicated that £100 per week should be a minimum income per UK single adult - 20% earn less than this figure and read this in the press. They become bemused/amazed and might be inclined to demand / defraud state benefits/"work on the side"etc to achieve this minimum income level. The State will respond by adding more bureaucracy to address this dishonesty etc. In other words the majority in the state will verbally support the cause of the poor but will generally do nothing about it - yet still persecute these people simply because that is the way "it is". This is the Wish Fulfilment" described in Part 1/1. Examples once more abound in the body politic U.K.

Quangos (2/24/1) i.e. unelected bodies now control 25% of the whole U.K. budget yet they are answerable to no one. They can literally dispense with these funds as they so wish. Out of necessity, i.e. fear, the politicians will only appoint Grones as Quango members - for two reasons. Firstly were a Quango member to rail against government policy- especially if demonstrating success - this would provide cause for embarrassment. Secondly, when practicing MP’s are voted out of government they will naturally be enlisted by these Quangos. (2/34/1) Grones believe in returning favours to their own peer group. So from legislating on a national scale their role will be slightly diminished but relatively the same on a more parochial basis. It is no coincidence that the U.K. has proportionately one of the highest levels of bureaucracy in the world - manned by the educated- many of whom possess university degrees. And the value benefit of this education? -Acquiring skills to translate the myriad of bureaucratic paperwork into some semblance of normality and impose the "meaning" on the poor. In other words a colossal waste (i.e.dead weight) to the community. The U.K. is now a low wage economy that offers no productive opportunity of employment. Ergo "Safe Jobs" are usually state jobs (or used to be).
Tories snap up directorships - Fran Abrams - Former ministers and conservative MPs who are leaving the Commons at the general election have taken on a raft of directorships and public posts to fill in their spare time, the latest list of Register of Member's Interests has revealed.

Fraud Office - Chris Blackhurst - The government is conducting an urgent review of hundreds of millions of pounds of regional grants following an internal inquiry and the launch of a Serious Fraud Office investigation into grants to businesses in the West Country. Each year the 10 Industrial Development Boards advise ministers on schemes running into £millions. One grant of £1m of taxpayers' money went to Rom-Data is being investigated under an inquiry codenamed Operational Gale. Rom-Data later collapsed and the DTI cash has not been recovered But Rom-Data, the Independent has learned, is just one of many cases where close connections existed between industrial development Boards and the companies receiving the cash. (2/34/1)

B. The Legal Establishment

The current U.K. government was elected on a manifesto strong on the defeat of crime yet statistics prove that the opposite has occurred. The budget of 1996 has allocated yet another £450 million to policing and prisons. My theory asserts that mankind is quintessentially good so how have the politicians managed to anger the citizens so much that they commit acts outwith their character. The answers are manifold and are quite easily resolved-more later-but basically the consequences result from a clash between the WUN and NYN. A brief resume.

Longer prison sentences are no no deterrent The threat of longer jail sentences will not deter people from committing crime, according to two studies based on the US experience. Nick Flynn, director of the prison reform trust said the reports, on Florida and Texas, showed that incarcerating large numbers of offenders cost huge amounts of money and created overcrowding but failed to achieve its desired purpose. The study of Florida showed that despite a massive prison building programme, the fall in crime was consistent with national trends and was small in relation to cost. The Texas report showed the state having the highest incarceration rate n the US, but 14 other states had achieved higher rates of crime reduction. The Florida Sentencing System; A Double Edged Sword: Texas: Testing the Case for Incarceration.

Michael Howard's "prison works" criminal justice policies have been called into question by the latest figures showing that despite locking up record numbers of inmates, crime is again on the increase. The news is a grave embarrassment for the Home Secretary. (2/34/2)

Europe's crime capital Crime in England and Wales has risen at a faster rate than in any other European country during the past decade, according to a report published today.
The WUN in the U.K. have been confined to the poorer classes and prevented opportunity. A decree of the state affirms "Thou shalt not steal or thou shall be punished".

Example one - The Poor.
In the 1960's a daring plan was implemented by thieves dubbed the "Great Train Robbery." Hundreds of hours of planning resulted in the theft of £6.5 million. A huge police operation was mounted to pursue the criminals most of whom were apprehended and imprisoned for a total of @185 years. The cost of the police operation and trials must have approached £3million pounds. Assuming no money was recovered - as it was - there is a net loss of £3.5million However 185 years x £500 a week in prison costs185 x 52 x 500 = @£5million An eventual loss of at least £3.5 million. And this is imprisoning “criminals” who planned meticulously to avoid human casualties.

Example two -
The Rich - Four instances.

Firstly, Asil Nadir. This gentleman t/a Polly Peck arrived from Cyprus and proceeded to enchant the City of London. He dressed and spoke well, attended ballet and opera, typical expressions of a wealthy Grone. Moreover he gambled wildly on the stock market and accrued for himself and his compatriots' (usually conservatives) vast amounts. When it was discovered that he was manipulating share prices illegally he simply flew off to Cyprus where he lives today. Cost £6.5 million. Guilty or innocent? Guilty (2/35/1). Punishment. Confined to luxury in a plush apartment in Cyprus.
Following questions from Touche Ross, Conservative Central Office in 1991 detailed nine Polly Peck payments totaling £440,000 received between 1985 and 1990. Central Office later disposed of all the copies of receipts sent to Nadir and others who donated up until 1990. (2/35/1)

Secondly, Robert Maxwell. A man publicly criticised by a Parliamentary select committee as being an unfit person to run a business This man stole from one of his companies to pay another etc. Ultimately he stole from the pensions of his employees. Cost £650million. Guilty or innocent? Guilty. Punishment. Too late. By the time his criminality was exposed he conveniently fell from a boat and died.

Thirdly, financier X set up a company for investment purposes. In reality X bought yachts, fancy houses, cars etc. and lived life to the full. When apprehended and tried by a court X pleaded guilty. Cost £200million. Punishment- 200 hours of Community Service.

Fourthly, John Major. This man gambled £15billion on supporting the pound in financial markets against all informed opinion. He lost. Guilty or innocent? No charges were brought against him. Cost £7000 per annum in interest repayments for every individual in the U.K. including the poorest 20%. Conclusion, there are several laws for the rich and only one for the poor.
The absurdity of the above matters not to grones. If that is the way it” is” then that is the way it shall remain. Next, there are the nonsensical laws. "Begging is illegal". The U.K. government has deliberately caused situations where some citizens are left homeless. Being homeless, especially for the young, often denies the individual access to state benefits. Thus, with no income whatsoever those unfortunates are expected to lay down on the streets and die through starvation -otherwise they expect to be reprimanded by the police and possibly imprisoned. Their crime? "Wishing to remain alive." Yes, in the U.K. we actually have a crime called "Wishing to remain alive." This crime takes up thousands of hours of police time, the administration of courts, space in prisons etc. all of which is an enormous "dead weight" around society's neck. These costs run into hundreds of £millions if not £billions. (2/36/1)

300,000 young on the street As many as 300, 000 young people were homeless last year, an independent inquiry disclosed last year. The inquiry, set up by a group of housing and children's charities, shows that the problem is far worse than generally thought, and that it affects people from all walks of life. Despite the huge numbers involved the problem was hidden and neglected, was not seen as an urgent priority, and was not being monitored, the inquiry said. (2/36/1)

13. Capitalism East and West

The Tiger economies of the Far East are rapidly outstripping the west in terms of growth. Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea have all made spectacular progress relative to the west by identifying with this theory. First and foremost they actively encourage "Education for all". This is a fundamental prerequisite for an expansionist economy i.e. expansionism of the human intellect whereby the WUN naturally assumes the role as a decision-maker. Stress related illnesses are relatively rare as the group are never" forced" into making decisions of which they are inherently incapable of. Because they are relatively "class free" their people consistently adapt to a new and changing world. Their bureaucracies (i.e. "dead weight's") are relatively lesser than western economies due to the empowerment of the WUN. The WUN has no need of wealth as they can continually change and adapt to any environment. Grones only remain the same- shuffle from beach to beach. Grones if elevated to a decision making position will stand against dynamic change. To a Grone change is equivalent to fear - unless they comprehend that dynamic change ensures not only their own well being but also signals an improvement in the future quality of life of their progeny. And this explains why Democracy per se is nonsense. Tito held Yugoslavia together. The Shah Iran. Paternalistic Dictators - in some cases worse - in some cases better- but nevertheless they assumed correctly that if their peoples were allowed freedom the divisions within each community would escalate into war. China is classically typical of the Eastern Revolution. A society's rules must be pre set. Tiannamen Square forced the Grones into liberalising their economy (though their system continues to repress a fine country such as Tibet). We must remember China's indigenous population forms 20% of the global race and communicates in 1000 languages. If there were no strict rules of government then deconstructionism of an epic scale could ensue. Imagine Yugoslavia on a ratio of 1 to 40!The world's economy would collapse. So how do we restructure capitalism per se?

What is the "is" of capitalism, as we perceive it?

Theoretically, and this is more relevant to the "past", freedom of capital and labour would ensure that resources "naturally" diversified into more productive areas. The chief traditional proponents being exemplified by the U.S.A. and the U.K. In an expanding economy this theory is not totally misplaced and the empirical evidence supporting this is superficially sound. The U.S.A. is a new country whose vast material resources had to be exploited by a new breed, and this was provided by the influx of immigrants who used and interchanged their imported skills. In the U.K. (19th century) new industries were required to process raw materials from the colonies and to manufacture goods for export. In both situations the economic conditions were ideal to enable the WUN to achieve his natural role. But look at the U.K. now! It is only since 1970 that predictions were made for a standard 30-hour week and wealth for all! In fact the opposite has occurred. The EEC introduced a maximum 48-hour week recently but the U.K. is still attempting to reject this directive. An underclass has since emerged that is prone to disease such as tuberculosis,(2/28/1) which we would have expected to be eradicated by now. Investment in housing has dried to a trickle thus stunting one of the essential dynamics in any economy; and the housing stock which remains has fallen into disrepair, further imposing misery on the poor (2/37/1). As for the U.S.A .the Grones are highlighted in the political arena. The Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Cambodia, Iran, and Isolationism; domestically: crime, health care, excessive litigation, etc, are all issues that the WUN can address with ease. Unfortunately both countries are politically shackled with the two party system and this incestuousness is a Grone magnet! Gulliani is taking positive steps to reduce crime- improve the moral fabric of New York with spectacular results. Occasionally the WUN will surface and instigate dramatic "change" (2/37/2)

Homes must last longer than the pyramids: Houses built today will have to last longer than the pyramids or Stonehenge, if the present rate at which old properties are replaced by new homes continue, according to a report published today. Britain has the oldest stock of homes in Europe, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, with one in four properties built before the end of the First World War. And the rate at which old homes are replaced by new ones has dropped dramatically in the past 25 years - from 91,000 to just 8,000 a year. If the present rate of clearance is allowed to continue, houses built today would not be replaced for an average of 2,800 years, or 5,600 years in England and Wales - longer than the current age of Stonehenge or the earliest Egyptian pyramid. Yet more than 1.6 million homes in the UK (1 in 14) have been officially rated by Government criteria as either unfit for human habitation or falling below the tolerable standard. A Government survey found the problem was worst in Wales where one in eight occupied properties was considered unfit. The state of UK Housing - University of Bristol (2/37/1)

Israel was also forewarned of the US attack on Iraq. Yet it is more than a certainty that no American raised the question of Israel's notorious Khiam jail in southern Lebanon - in which hundreds of Shias have routinely been tortured with electricity applied to genitals and fingers - nor the massacre of 105 refugees in a "UN safe haven" in southern Lebanon in April, a bloodbath which occurred in the course of an offensive to which Mr Portillo originally gave his moral approval. Absolutely never - ever - will B 52's head for Israel. Iraq's neighbour Syria has a dodgy record on human rights, the massacre of prisoners at Palmyra and the slaughter of the thousands of Islamisists at Hama in 1982, along with ferocious torture in the dungeons of five security organisations, is mentioned from time to time, though not by Mr Clinton when he paid a state visit to Damascus in 1994. US commentators do suggest that if Syria doesn't stop "supporting terrorism", and sign up for peace with Israel, it may receive a cruise or two. So Syrians may have to watch the skies if they don't do what they are told by the Americans. But, so far no B52's. How President Saddam must look at the golden days when we sold weapons to his army of torturers, when we supported his invasion of Iran, when we armed his artillerymen. Because, when he did what he was told, no one wasted his time with talk of human-rights abuses. When you are a friend of the West, you don't have to pay the price. (2/37/2))

14. Restructuring Capitalism with Pragmatism

Corporations freely off-load labour and place the burden on the political state. Very often these politicians are corporate shareholders - a oneness which must lead to a conflict of interest. These corporate political shareholders receive salaries paid to address problems that they have initially caused! This indeed personifies the madness of capitalism, as we know it. We are recompensing individuals to assist repairing a society which they are simultaneously destroying by off-loading labour and stripping the economic base. But there are ways to rectify this imbalance.

We insure our houses, lives, cars etc. So why don't the Corporations insure their workforce? Like any other policy the Corporations should pay a premium per employee into a central fund whose resources would underwrite a set of retraining programmes should these employees ever suffer redundancy (maybe for a six month period). This makes sense for various reasons.
Firstly the political state will not suffer the immediate trauma of a jump in unemployment, the body politic will have at least six months to restructure its finances and compensate for jumps and falls in unemployment.
Secondly, should a corporation decide on enforced redundancies then its insurance cost would rise thus making it less profitable. Consequently its share price would fall, actively discouraging "downsizing".
Thirdly, the Dynamic Corporation, which conscientiously respects its workers, will enjoy ever-reducing insurance premiums. Its profits will grow relatively and its share price will rise.
Fourthly, the WUN will naturally assume their decision-making status. No Corporation will comfortably remain same-which is what happens when Grones assume power.
Fifthly, the workforce will now enjoy relative stability. In turn they will provide greater productivity for the company, which will consequently achieve higher profits and thus increase its share price, dividend payments etc. Correspondingly the insurance company employed by the Corporations will invest funds in dynamic visionary companies whose dividends will not only help underwrite retraining costs but also provide a bonus, and will thus increase the enlightened Corporation's share price. Capitalism can operate successfully. Unfortunately the system currently works in reverse
Rob Stokes - economics editor. Billions of pounds may be wiped off the value of shares on Wall Street and the UK stock market in the next few days as the markets react to Friday's strong US employment figures. Analysts believe that signs of stronger growth in the US and the prospect of good news from UK shops and stores this week will tilt the balance against further interest rate cuts in the America and may delay any further moves towards cheaper borrowing on this side of the pond. Wall St traders have been squirming in their seats, alarmed by sharp falls in bond prices on Good Friday, when the US stock market was closed. The falls were triggered by labour market data suggesting American firms had taken on 140,000 people in March, nearly 3 times what was expected. Wall St share prices crashed on March 8 when previous employment figures showed 705,000 jobs created. (2/38/1)

15.Scotland /Singapore.

Scotland now has the potential to be the Singapore of the west. I'll briefly simplify why.
Firstly and most importantly within the next two years we will have our own National Assembly. Mass emigration in the 1960's deprived us of much of the WUN. This has now basically been replaced and many futuristic thinkers are waiting in the wings to establish a new set of commands and directions. Scotland has forged strong links with Japan and the U.S.A. This country has a close and continuing belief and respect for Education. I believe we inaugurated the world's first University. Network marketing is a very powerful economic tool. Our indigenous population is 5,000,000 but there are now 30 million related Scots abroad many of whom are internationally successful - and would "naturally" feel obliged to aid the resuscitation of their homeland. The Scots are well liked throughout the globe for their pragmatism, honour, intelligence, and identify closely with their Irish neighbours. Its geographical broadness encompasses natural resources, farming, industry, tourism, fishing etc. This is a country self-identifiable, yet patronised and neglected by the Grones of the U.K. body politic but has now the opportunity to re-establish this identity. Whether this means remaining as a division of U.K. PLC or as an independent state within Europe is really of no consequence. (2/38/1)

Scottish quoted companies have significantly outperformed their UK counterparts over the last ten years, according to the Reuters/ Scotsman 50 index, which is formally launched today. A historical comparison of the Scotsman 50 against the FT-SE 10 for the last decade shows that the share performance of the Scottish index is around 20 per cent higher than the UK index over the same period. (2/38/2)


The U.K banking structure is an oligopoly colonised by Grones. However they have proved to be one of the prime destructive influences on our economy and social order. Through suicides the banks kill several hundred if not thousands of lives every year. Whole families are split apart yet the Banks, as typical Grones, bear no responsibility for their actions. At this stage I wish to introduce my experience of Capitalism U.Kstyle. I am a working class person who graduated with a degree in Economics and Philosophy. Unfortunately I did not attend a public school (sic), a private school for parents who could afford the fees. Consequently I could find no employment in banks, insurance, etc and I was over qualified for general work. Eventually whilst engaged temporarily as a salesman I was offered full time employment. During a one-month period, when the manager left on vacation, I quadrupled sales. One must assume that this was some kind of achievement. Not so. When Grones are employers such a feat is far too destabilising, disturbing, and I was forced to leave. On the manager's return he lapsed into a state of shock. He informed his superior, the area manager, of this aberration of normality and they decided I had to go. When the national sales figures were released through the corporate magazine -the figures were deleted. The rationale is straightforward. The manager "feared" I might replace him. Should that have occurred the area manager would have placed himself in a state of fear, as his place was the next promotional level. Consensually, the existing manager was a fool and no threat to the area manager's position. Therefore the only logical course was to sack me. Grones and our perception of capitalism don't mix. I quadrupled turnover within one week and would certainly have maintained this level given the chance. The company folded some 4 years onwards with the loss of @ 3,800 jobs. On to the Grones suffocating the banks.

Example- The Bank of Scotland

On opening a business account the Bank of Scotland issues every customer with a set of finely crafted directives entitled "Partners in Business". This simple work would present an excellent case for school examinations. Upon this I constructed a business plan that was demonstrably perfect. Following several disputes with the Grones of the Royal Bank of Scotland I was approached by a relatively senior officer in this bank and offered an account facility allied to a £1000 overdraft should it be required. Following the traumas of dealing with their "ostensible" rivals I felt some suspicion but nevertheless was comforted by this delegation of "free responsibility". It seemed too good to be true especially when it was offered - not even requested! Some months later I had to call upon this offer and issued cheques accordingly - only to find that the original representative was indeed a "liar" and held no authority whatsoever to make such a statement. I was redirected to a girl loosely described as a trainee "business manager" who requested a business plan, costings, projections, etc. These were delivered immediately and I was promised a fast response i.e. the same day. Some 5 working days later I managed to trace this girl and requested her judgment. To my bewilderment she declined the facility without reason, thus obviously, blatantly and without concern bankrupting me - all because a liar introduced me (I didn't actually need the overdraft but it was convenient). Infuriated by this and the chaos it caused I sent what I believed was a precise and effusive written account to the Bank's Head Office - still in the hope that part of the WUN existed within the institution's framework. A meeting was arranged with Bob Bullivant (for ease of memory I'll change that to Bob Elephant - a very large man) within the prestigious newish Bank of Scotland premises at 1 Castle Terrace Edinburgh. Bob immediately announced to myself and the trainee business manageress that he had 25years experience in this sector and would resolve the issue. So under the impression that we could quickly skip over the "lying" and then discuss my business plan I felt reassured. The opening Gambit. "Why was I promised this facility when it was simply a lie?" Elephant. "Aha that may have been said to you but did you receive this promise in writing? I gasp" Pardon? "Elephant "Nothing is true unless it is put in writing." This game of semantics lasted another 29 minutes. Eventually I decided to "concede" that nothing was true unless it was in writing-to the great relief of Mr Elephant. This could be helpful I thought, as my business plan was perfect. I therefore conceded the point in expectation of a qualitative assessment of my project. I, "Can we now evaluate my business plan?" Elephant "I am not qualified to assess your business plan!" I (stunned) "Partners in business" proclaims in writing that a well constructed business plan is fundamental to the success of any new venture. Your bank issues every new business with a copy of "Partners" exhorting them to pursue its guidelines carefully. And this I have done. Elephant. "Let me repeat I am not qualified to assess your business plan!"I, still in a state of disbelief continue, "On my projected figures at @ what level do you perceive a “break even” point/loss making situation based on the fixed/variable costs presented to you?" Elephant "It is not up to me to give opinions on your figures. "I,"Partners states that projected figures are important so that your actual figures can be compared to the initial projections " Elephant "Again its not up to me to give opinions on your figures. End of story.
Above I have outlined a typical Grone type scenario. Bob Elephant feels obliged to protect his "lying colleague" whilst instructing his trainee manageress never to make business decisions, thus contradicting every written word expressed in Partners. When Grones are forced to make decisions nonsense makes sense. The mini tragi-comedy on this occasion centered on the reaction of Bob Elephant and his sidekick to my assertion that I wished to close my account immediately. They were stunned. Bob Elephant thought this complaint amicably settled! It made sense to Bob that I had been introduced to a bank that supported verbal liars and whose written words were inconsequential as they were incomprehensible to its proponents. A bank that just instructed its trainee managers never to make positive decisions yet spends £3.5million annually deceiving the public that the opposite was the case-via "Partners" - wish fulfillment! So why does this apparent madness exist.

Partners in business - extracts - Every Bank of Scotland business banking manager understands how businesses work because each of out branches is run as a business by the local manager. We intend to start our partnership with you in the right way, by telling you how we assess a plan and make our decisions. We are committed to giving our local managers adequate lending authority to make sure that your requirements can almost always be authorised at branch level. By explaining our criteria, we hope to help you avoid the problem of an unsuccessful proposal.
Your financial plan should draw together how much you need, what you need the money for, and, importantly, expenditure. Forecasts and assumptions must be realistic. The basis of any decision to lend money is whether the business is sound and will make sufficient profit to repay the loan.

16.The Evolution of Gronism, Banks, Politics.

The U.K. is almost unique in its capacity for eliminating the WUN. This procedure commenced initially in the 19th century when the new capitalists created the "engine shed of the world." The aristocrats were accustomed to power and lording over the poor when this embarrassing new breed arrived. Embarrassing because they earned great fortunes and actually worked. This was a new phenomenon and had to be addressed because the aristocrats could not "compete" i.e. change. The new capitalists were eclipsing their social status! So the aristocrats decided that if we can't beat them let them join us! Royalty, it was decided would endow them as it does to this day with heritable titles. The heirs inevitably inherited the business (the mirror of Life-page 5) and consequently great industries have collapsed under this weight of indecision and theocracy. A "United Kingdom" has been traumatised by secular, pernicious and incestuous decision making served up ungraciously by this privileged few.
Results? Civil War in Northern Ireland, homelessness, impoverished pensioners (they won the war), general disillusion, poverty, crime, violence, etc. The two party system conveniently ignores the "Theory of Democracy " (politicians stand and make statements that they "wish" others to follow). The B.S.E.crisis is only one testament to this. Since 1985 the evidence linking cow by-products to this potentially fatal disease has exponentially developed yet only recently have we seen a government minister stuffing a burger (made from cow offal) down his daughter's throat in camera - on national television. This typically embodies the mentality of a Grone. "Wish fulfilment" states that cows are nice animals that have proved to be efficient and productive assets for the state. Ergo, any life threatening disease that is possibly implicated/related to the cow is unsustainable even though the evidence overwhelmingly supports the link to B.S.E. in humans. Similarly, to the intense frustration of farmers, government ministers agreed to a cull of some unfortunate beasts with fellow E.E.C. members. This cull has of course not yet taken place and British beef products remain internationally stigmatised whils't honest farmers commit suicide at an alarming rate.

Briefly to other examples.

Sir Ian Lang's diagnosis of a local referendum on water privatisation deduced that on a turnout of 75% (higher than most general elections and funded locally/voluntarily) when 99% voted to retain water in the public sector he exclaimed, "In a democratically elected "nation" 99% of these electors were mistaken." These words flowed from a man being touted as a future Prime Minister - but what do they mean?

A second example emanated from Sir Michael Heseltine. Year @ 91/92 he endorsed capital spending on coal mines of £650million. Shortly afterwards he closed all these new mines and summarily dismissed 30,000 workers without forethought. A stunned nation viewed in disbelief this staggering contempt for the quality of its citizen's lives and tried to consume the economic madness. And as they only care for fellow Grones on the same beach you will hear of no apologies.
Grones are always right. So how do we resolve this situation. (1/6/1).

17. The "is" of the U.K.

Free and Fair Education from the earliest years is paramount, as many of the WUN will be relatively poor. Free and fair access to the labour market is another prerequisite. The "is" of the U.K. restricts access to kindergartens only to middle and large earners. Working class children attend schools at 5 plus - by which time valueless learning time has vanished. Secondly, private school children are six times more likely to achieve equal employment status to those who attended "ordinary" schools whereas they are the least likely group to form part of the WUN (2/20/1). Thirdly, vast amounts are spent on useless University Education because there is no co-ordination between Industry and the State on future employment needs, thus many graduates spill out onto the unemployment register or into menial work such as serving in bars, restaurants etc. Another unnecessary waste of resources.

18. Politics, Industry, and Banking.

The political structure as argued earlier should be composed of three or more parties preferably elected by proportional representation. New Zealand recently conducted a national poll on its two party system after the island experienced a series of rapes, murders etc. 79% of the electors blamed the two party system and thus it was annulled The two party systems in the U.S.A. and U.K. are rotten to the core. 75% of the British public consistently demand change - and as we know Grones hate change, so their wishes are conveniently ignored (1/14/2). To make an economy efficient at least one national bank must employ the WUN preferably from boardroom level down to a real "business" manager i.e. one who not only understands business but is also empowered to implement decisions. This person could be partnered from school through college / university whilst enjoying practical experience working in the banking environment. Hey presto at the age of 21 the Bank inherits a valuable asset and the state is relieved of a potential burden. And if one inspects some quotes from the Bank of Scotland's circulars one could be deceived into believing this was their intention. Not so. The Bank simply employs an advertising agency to represent their form of "wish fulfillment"-part one/1 whilst continuing to operate traditionally.
Industry, the banks and politicians must co-ordinate their efforts so as to maximise the Keynesian quality of money flowing in the economy. In particular emphasis must be placed on public spending by ensuring industry has access to funds and projects when demand is slack - partly guaranteed by the state - probably via the banking structure. Unfortunately the U.K. fails this test. Industries simply dismiss workers when demand is slow thus losing valuable assets. The Banks don't have any WUN and therefore cannot invest wisely in new projects. The politicians constantly cut public spending (to save money! -madness. (2/42/1) whilst the "dead weights"increase, thus pressurising industries to become even more efficient, (a reason why our labour costs are some of the cheapest in Europe) to compensate for these added costs. This is an economy functioning in reverse of established economic principles. (2/38/1)

Clarke aims at £3.9bn public spending cut - In his budget speech, chancellor Kenneth Clarke boasted of "an extra £200 million over the next two years for universities". With inflation at 2.5 per cent there will be a real terms reduction of £61million in 1997-1998 and a projected further reduction of £195 million in 1998-1999. So much for the "extra". These numbers include £20m for a science equipment "challenge fund" - an area cut by £150million last year, and where independent studies highlight the need for at least £400million to bring equipment up to an acceptable level. The political response is PFI - Private Finance Initiatives. In this context the initials stand for "pathetic, facile, irrelevant. (2/42/1)

19. Scotland, A Bank, Branson or take-over?

This project started in 1968 and has twisted unintentionally ever since. The final piece of the jigsaw was formed by Bob Elephant at the Bank of Scotland which abbreviates to 'Any of my staff may lie to you verbally but don't trust my staff until it's in writing. However even if anything is in writing we may choose not to understand the words. So never ever trust us.' Which doesn’t quite fit their promotions. I entered his office with humility, as a gentleman and was more than willing to compromise - whereas I was treated as a primitive. I even offered Bob a positive vision for the Bank but that was shot down immediately. How could a working class person accuse one of his staff of lying - even though we all agreed it was true - and then offer Bob advice. Well here it is. And with a message to all potential financiers, particularly American - Eastern Banks, entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson etc. This little Bank has so much potential to be a great wealth maker and International Institution. Whatever price is paid it will be a bargain! Why? It has a network of beautiful buildings and offices throughout the U.K. which are necessarily underused as nobody with initiative is permitted to manage them productively. The Bank now has substantial assets in Australia and the Far East. Scotland has many new sunrise industries, which will provide a platform for mutual business. Scotland has an incoming new Parliament based on proportional representation with a guaranteed number of female MP's (very important as women prioritise educational areas). Interrelationships with our relatives abroad will boost the economy as networking, proved in the U.S., has now become a major tool in sales and distribution. The country has vast under-utilised assets including coal, gas, electricity, oil, minerals, an abundance of fresh water etc. - none of which the Japanese ever possessed. This is a country that respects education, has beautiful scenery, golf courses, fresh and coarse fishing, hill climbing, winter skiing etc.etc. All the fundamentals are in place to make this small country - neglected and patronised by London - once more a great nation. In a strange dialogue currently emanating from London is the contention from one side that taxes may have to increase within a devolved Scotland. This is the Grones at work again. Any practical pragmatic economist on analysing positive and negative potential figures would project a steep downward trend in taxation as the "dead weight" costs are eliminated. So what makes the Bank of Scotland such an attractive take over target? The reasons are many and varied and will not be listed in priority. The Bank already has links with the Far East that in turn have located major industries here in Scotland, with this trend expected to continue. Edinburgh is a major financial centre, which processes 27% of Edinburgh will soon be a major host to a new Parliament that will raise and divest vast amounts; so should Scotland's economy suddenly explode a Partner Bank would exponentially benefit (Norway has £30 billion banked). No Banks exist in the U.K.,manned by positive thinkers. So the Bank could provide this service by introducing the WUN overnight. (Anyone who can understand this essay would acknowledge this). The new board could be composed of, in the short term, all the innovators (i.e. proven entrepreneurs) in the country allied to the corporate partner. The Scottish WUN could easily identify strengths and weaknesses of prospective / existing clients and provide wise direction. Gradually the WUN could replace existing Business Managers (i.e. not) and the system is set. Remember we only need 10% of the workforce to be positive thinkers. Overnight, once more, the ideal set of three appears. The new Parliament, a new thinking bank, and instant rapport with the new industrialists, in collusion; but all three would fight their own corners to maximise their efficiency and the balance would be achieved.

20.Bank, Advertising, Health, Community, Industry

This perfect liaison could soon be in place. How have the current "board " failed to manage their business and how could we re-align its direction within this structure. Apart from isolating the WUN in business decision making the bank employs no positive thinking economists or psychologists. So, for example in advertising they attempt to encourage school children/students with bribes of £5 or £10 to open an account. Common psychology confirms that customers attracted by such offers will remain relatively loyal - but without emotive commitment. Without competition (the banks are all the same-Grones) there is no incentive to transfer accounts. But these "new clients" will mature and face the reality of exorbitant bank profits, sad and declining services, increased/ing costs to operate an account - and to open a business/trade account? The nightmare begins. Any potential business operator who is/or may be about to operate an account (and liable to boost bank business/profits) is punished "by law" from day one. (the banks have their own constitutional laws in this "democracy") So they can and do decide these charges at will. Grones must punish the WUN, whereas economic sense dictates that these new businesses are acorns awaiting time to turn into “economic oaks” - helping to underpin the social structure, protect and stabilise the citizens etc. So, what is the answer to enlisting loyal customers in the long term?
The Bank and Advertising

This theory declares that the mind is relatively open to ideas until adolescence at which point nine from ten will retain fixed parameters for life (apart from exceptional gifts!) whilst the WUN will remain open minded until death. Therefore, positively addressing the young will not only garner future harvests but also consolidate parental impressions of an institution propelled by benign paternalism. Instead of mass advertising to a "hardened sceptical audience" where the returns would be minimal (especially in a Grone oligarchy who act similarly) approach the educational establishments with a proposal/s they cannot refuse. Examples of how this can be achieved are plentiful. I'll only mention a few and not list them in priority. The Bank should issue “Partners” as a standard school economics question. From the ensuing analysis of results the WUN would be indicated, allied to appropriate industries and then could be sponsored through further education. Not only would the Bank benefit financially through recruitment savings it would foster a positive image in the eyes of its future clients, the community at large, industry and commerce etc. And if the wealth creators ensured they recruited their %age of the WUN this new inter relationship would facilitate easier inter communications and responsibilities. Everyone would benefit. But that's only part of it. The Bank's Advertising Budget is £3.5million, take £½million for supplying, issuing, analysing exam results etc. With £3million how could that be dispensed dynamically? Let's take the "is" of the bank. In order to present a positive image to the public the bank appoints an advertising agency on a "wish fulfillment assignment" The Agency is instructed to tell the people what it feels people want to hear. The Bank continues to employ non decision-makers. And suddenly there 's a conflict. People of the WUN assume wrongfully that the Bank have trained their Business Managers to make decisions whereas the opposite is the case. Consequently Bank staff must lie! A liar introduced me. This was undisputed. Bob Elephant protected this person by categorising a lie as words that must be written. When directed to pages of the spoken word (supposedly their "Bible"i.e. Partners) Bob Elephant denied any comprehension of these written pages- from a man of 25years experience! That just doesn't make sense.
It is little wonder that Banks are reviled institutions so how could we dispense £3million on positive advertising that brings exponential long term gains. This theory states that the younger the mind the more open it is to positive influence. What is of great concern to parents and inevitably a huge burden on the state? Ill-health. Children develop "bad habits" that later in life they find difficult to drop. Food allergies are accumulating due to mishandling of the eco-system, so why not spend the £3million on screening kids for allergies in conjunction with those in the food and drinks industry. If planned appropriately everyone would benefit. And the Bank could really justify its currently nonsensical slogan 'A Friend for Life.'
21. The Imbalance of Wealth and Revolution
History is littered with the carnage of imbalanced wealth and power structures. A most recent example was Gorbachov's emulation to President. Alone he destabilised Russia's rotting power structure- although he did receive verbal encouragement from the Americans. Consequences? Gorbachov, a typical WUN, believed everyone possessed free will and would prosper in their new freedoms. No! Grones surrounded Gorbachov. He was deposed. The Russian people were accustomed to state support and when this evaporated they couldn't change. The people are now relatively poor and unhealthy. Worse of all however emanated from the verbalising Americans. The macro economic stimulus required to kick-start this new Russia failed to materialise and raw capitalism was expected to deliver economic prosperity. The American Grone politicians avidly believe in theoretical capitalism and resolutely deny empirical evidence. They can defend billionaires and castigate the poor, support private health and deny it to the neediest, curtail public spending whilst cutting taxes for the rich. Many other examples come to mind. The collapse of monarchies, rotten governments etc. But I suppose the classic case is the fall of the British Empire. The British Aristocrats couldn’t adapt to the changing world. Their historical remit was to conquer and extract riches. When the colonies started to demand fairer treatment this was refused. Rebellion ensued (2/45/1). The Empire lives no more. Nevertheless the embodiment of this failure to adapt still exists e.g. the monarchy and the aristocratic system. The Queen is the technical leader of Parliament and she (being one of the richest women in the world) and her entourage are actually paid £millions from the purse of the poor to enjoy this privilege. Meanwhile the aristocrats funnel their children through privileged private education that guarantees their future whilst disinvestment in "basic education" continues annually. The Aristocrats also protect their interests in an antiquated political structure within a law making assembly called The "House of Lords". Aptly entitled as these"superiors", due to inherited titles, automatically enter Parliament and become "Decision Makers", therein protecting their own self-preservation and self-interests.

Britain still has a handful of tiny dependencies, the last outposts of a once great empire, to muck up. Paul Vallely looks at the latest upheavals in St Helena, once home to Napoleon. Extracts - rioting in a far flung British colony. The British governor fleeing in fear of his safety. Outraged locals protesting about British high-handedness and neglect. The scenario of revolting natives may seem to belong to the fifties and sixties, when the British Empire was being hastily dismantled amid the Suez crisis and the Mau-Mau uprising. But such an uprising has been happening this week in St Helena, an isolated British colony in the middle of the South Atlantic, between Angola and Brazil. St Helena is the most unlikely place to host an anti-British revolt. This quiet, remote remnant of the empire, famous only as the island-prison where Napoleon was exiled in 1815, is the home to 6,000 locals - "Saints" - who are fiercely patriotic and who like to decorate their homes with portraits of the Queen, Charles and Di coffee mugs and tea-towels featuring Prince Andrew, who is worshiped with particular fervour since he actually bothered to call in on the island. So the fact St Helena's one police van has been attacked and burnt out in a riot and that the present governor, David Smallman, has just gone off for a convenient 6 week "leave"stand as testimony not to any ingratitude on the part of the Saints but to the appalling abuse and neglect they have suffered at the hands of successive governments, this one in particular. The immediate causes for the unrest on St Helena are a cut in already-meagre British aid and soaring unemployment-18 per cent. But the Saints have much more to complain about than this, for here are some of the things Britain has refused to give them: citzenship; a free press, democracy, an economy. At present, Governor Smallman's thankless task is to implement Whitehall' harsh directives, which are to cut the public spending and encourage privatisation. The trouble is that on St Helena there is no private sector. Almost all the Saints are employed by the government, there is no industry on the island, every initiative the Saints have suggested to boost the economy has been blocked or vetoed by the British administration, and all the prime farmland is owned by the crown and tended by British consultants employed by the Overseas Development Administration. The failure of the ODA is spectacular. This extremely fertile island, described by early settlers as "bountiful" and an "Earthly Paradise", once teeming with fruit and vegetables, coffee and cotton, the place that once supplied South Africa with its first citrus trees, now imports 95 per cent of its goods. Nor can the saints protest about this state of affairs, because the British government has subjected them to what in effect is state censorship - the island's one newspaper and one radio station are both government owned, and it is against government regulations for government employees to criticise the government, and since just about everyone on the island is employed by the government, the result is that complaints are refused publication and civil servants who speak out are threatened with the sack. So it is no wonder that some Saints have overcome their amazing patriotism and extraordinary good nature to take to the streets. What else could they do? (2/45/1) CATCH 22
 22. International Political Gronism - Some Examples

United States - The U.S. is shackled by a two party system that offers no real choice to voters and therefore makes nonsense of idealistic democracy and capitalism. Instead, the system depends on the contribution of wealth to political camps, which will often comprise of "invested money," or status i.e. Dad was a Senator etc. Some remarkable insensitivity emanates from Grones. The classic U.S. faux pas was obviously Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh implored the U.S. in the Second World War for military assistance to repulse the Japanese. However, this request was refused simply because he was labeled as a communist. Post war the French colonialists resumed their former power, completely against the wishes of the Vietnamese people-civil war developed. The U.S. entered to defend a corrupt regime, and consequently a relative "David" humiliated this "Goliath". The Grones believed that B52's, napalm, superior weaponry etc.would quickly overwhelm the opposition but were thwarted by a classic romantic capitalist (The WUN) i.e. Ho Chi Minh. A man who expertly managed his resources, deployed them well, whilst maintaining a positive psychological hold on his people. Consequences? For their sins the Vietnamese economy has suffered an International Trade embargo. Ironically so, because if Ho Chi Minh had sported a capitalist name tag he would probably have presided over one of the richest Tiger Economies. He just picked the wrong name tag. The Cuban debacle is another example. Why punish this impoverished nation whose people often die en route to Miami? Because they are Communists? (2/46/1)The chaotic Welfare State structures, litigation nonsense, the disparity of wealth; are all indicators of political Gronism. Isolationism embodies Gronism. "The Melting Pot of the World" (via Immigration) doesn't want any fresh ingredients!?

Who said that the cold war is over? Across the 90-mile stretch of ocean between Florida and Cuba, the waves of war are icier than ever. Take the case of Javier Ferreiro, a Spanish businessman who lives in the Cuban capital. Arraigned in Miami on Friday, he faces 20 years in a Florida jail and fines of up to £600,000 for "trading with the enemy". His crime was he allegedly shipped tomato ketchup, disposable nappies and sanitary towels to Fidel Castro's dreaded communist regime. Florida prosecutors are not saying Mr Castro's forces might squirt the ketchup into the faces of American troops during a Cuban invasion of Key West. They are merely following the letter of the federal Trading With The Enemy Act and the embargo imposed on the island soon after Mr Castro's ragtag revolutionaries ousted Fulgen Battista in 1959. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuba could get most goods from there. Now, nappies and sanitary towels are desperately needed and ketchup is a coveted addition to the ration books still used by Cubans. (2/46/1)

Other Examples

Juppe of France was elected for his proposals on radical reform. Since then nothing has changed. Grones often employ advertising agencies to feed the people what they want to hear but more often than not nothing changes. It cannot be a coincidence that France similarly grants titled status in the Legion D’ Honeure. (2/46/2)

Target rebel French agent - Patrick Rougelet is living under siege. His telephone is tapped. He is followed in the streets. It is, he believes, a direct result of falling out with former colleagues in the French secret police, the Renseignements Generaux. His mistake was to write a letter to the Prime Minister calling for the service to be reformed. For this he was sacked. Now he has gone one step further and has published a book calling for the disbandment of the secret police on the grounds that they are a threat to democracy. The spymasters are not amused. He describes a shadowy world in which RG operatives rifle through dustbins and listen to private telephones calls, systematically gathering information on the finances and sex lives of prominent people for political ends. The dirt is then fed to the French press. (2/46/2)
Many African countries are governed by monarchies (i.e. chiefs) and have been often ruptured by tribal battles. India is troubled by caste system and dynasty confusion, as is Pakistan; South America by dictatorships, Indonesia has Suharto who dispenses magnanimous gifts to his family. Which takes us to the conclusion.

23. The End - The Justification of Empiricism

Every piece of evidence indicates that only one in ten can make positive decisions and this potential is released via Education at the earliest age. Countries endorsing this will progress exponentially relative to other "competing" economies. However Grones in power don't acknowledge empirical evidence if it doesn't suit their pre conceptions formed from their environment, education etc. at adolescence. So how do we prevent Grones from assuming these powers socially, economically, and politically. I would recommend the creation of a constitution running thus:

1. Free and fair Education must be prioritised at the earliest age including access
to sports and anything related to Educational Improvement.

2. Free and fair access to the labour market is a second essential, particularly if the
State, in harmony with industry, sponsors youths through College/Further Education .

3. .Inherited wealth must be curbed by the State to an "acceptable" level.

4. Inherited title holders must gather at least five years experience within a transferred business - at the end of which he/she must somehow prove his/her worth to the company.

5. Any Corporation which pursues a capital investment program should enjoy considerable,
if not 100%, tax breaks. Any Corporation "downsizing" should be penalised..

6. Any government must be composed of at least three parties elected
"democratically" on a proportional representation system.

7. A National Bank must liase between the Politicians, Industrialists and Citizens to promote the w well being of all. Oligarchies and over large shareholding must be penalised..

8. All legislation preventing honest distribution of information in the media should be repealed. F Free access to the media is essential.

9. Uniformed police officers should be required to take classes at school and be stationed within t their local area. We must remember the Police Force was
originally created to defend the rich from the poor. This perception exists today.
10. Justice must be seen to be administered fairly. Privilege, wealth, status should not influence t the law.
We are all but human beings - race, blood, and colour are irrelevancies in this party through life.
Finally I know every reader will dispute this theory but it "cannot not be true". This is the quantum leap for humanity. One question remains. Who are the WUN? This we can only discover by adopting a format similar to the above. However unless we do so, the Grones will continually achieve power. Consequences? Wars, crime, world poverty, famine, and possibly the end of humanity "as we know it." In a Grone Colony nonsense makes sense. Ask Bob Elephant of the Bank of Scotland. He'll reply "Anything verbally uttered is only true when its put in writing. And if it is in writing I retain the "right" not to understand it." Or Ian Lang "In a democratically elected.....99.% of the electorate are mistaken." Witness the parochiality of the U.K as members of the E.E.C. Consistently the U.K. is isolated in decision making by the other 14 members. And of course the 14 are always wrong! Grones are always right! The U.K. remains Little England littered by industrial waste and steered by historical heirlooms. Twenty per cent of the poor live in extreme poverty and suffer exploitation and insecurity due to temporary contracts and no minimum wage structure. But things can change quickly. Low wages are flexible, working conditions are ripe for incoming and existing Corporations. Scotland in particular has ideal relationships with multi national Corporations. There are 30 million of us living throughout the world! We are famed for Education , Invention and Pragmatism.(2/35/1) The Bank of Scotland is ideally placed to profit from these possibilities. And that is why Mr Branson could provide an ideal partner for a take-over situation. He is the UK’s most successful and respected businessman. The nation was generally shocked when he was refused control of The National Lottery - he promised to devote all the profits to the poor. Instead, the Grones allocated it to the rich - pocketing £millions from the poor and overseeing the distribution of funds. Instantaneously Mr Branson's endorsement would attract vast dynamic funds; and if done in conjunction with a global market player e.g. a bank-would establish an international Corporation with Dynamic Vision.
The adoption of the Dynamic Integrated Economic Theory is the only seriously viable way ahead for humankind. This is the only practical theory that permits the rich to remain rich whilst upgrading the lives of the poor exponentially. There is no destabilisation and therefore no civil unrest. Everything remains "relatively the same"- only it doesn't. Everyone benefits! This theory is applicable to virtually every aspect of life we encounter. Will anyone join Mr Branson and apply it to the Bank of Scotland? Cheers from a desperate little country. Listed are some famous Scottish Achievements. More recently, almost nothing! No country loses such talent - it is only suppressed - by Grones. That potential still exists. It only has to be released. It's up to you now - the reader - to make sense out of so much empirical evidence. Any questions? There is a relative answer! This theory makes greater sense if you ask it a question? Through its use I have presented papers to government on the restructure of the fishing industry, the sensible way to decriminalise cannabis, the resolution of the conflict in N. Ireland. And more recently I have evolved a system to integrate the tourist industry with the needs of farming and manufacturing sectors - which would bring colossal returns for all. Of course I've received the customary letters of acknowledgement. But of course you will have guessed all outcomes. Nothing has been done. Grones detest change.

Scots roll of honour marks the genius that powered the age of invention - The 19th century was ' the age of machinery' and hence the age of the engineer. Scots figured prominently, combining a genius for invention with hard practicality, in a time of unprecedented growth, the engineer was the hero. They include men who transformed the world. Among the most illustrious was Thomas Telford from Langholm who built the Caledonian Canal, more than 1,000 roads and 1,200 bridges as well as countless other buildings. He was also the genius behind the Menai Suspension Bridge and St Katherine Docks in London. John Macadam, who was born in Ayr, covered hundreds of thousands of miles of roads with a mixture of stone and gravel - tar macadam. The Forth Bridge, one of the wonders of the 19th century, was built by a Scot, Sir William Arrol, of Houston, Renfrewshire. He also built the second Tay Bridge and Tower Bridge in London. Arguably the most influential Scots engineer was James Watt from Greenock, a mathematical instrument maker by trade. He was obsessed by steam. His inventions include the separate condenser, the air pump, steam jacket for cylinder, and the double acting engine. He was so important that the standard unit of power is still the watt. He also coined the term horsepower. The roll of honour goes on with honourable mention, going to Kirkpatrick Macmillan from Dumfriesshire who invented the bicycle, John Dunlop from Ayrshire who developed the pneumatic tyre and Edinburgh's Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone. Robert Stevenson, the grandfather of Robert Louis Stevenson, planned or built more than 20 lighthouses. Some of the engineers capitalised on their ideas and became wealthy men. Others lived modestly, unable to exploit the commercial potential of their work. One such was John Logie Baird, who invented the television, but could only watch on the sidelines as it conquered the world. Baird was an inveterate inventor. His other inventions include radar and infra-red television. Industry drives engineers who thrive in an era of expansion. Sadly, those days are distant. Of 85,000 jobs lost in Glasgow between 1962 and 1977, more than 40,000 were in metals, shipbuilding and engineering. A loss underlined by Jimmy Reid's words"we don't only build ships, we build men". Little wonder then, that companies are forced to rethink their approach to training. After all, they don't make them like they used to, do they?

The above was completed 1996/1997. The references have been trimmed drastically to save web space. I have many updated clips to further reinforce its validity. The actual thesis - plus updated clips can be purchased for a modest sum. The theory, when understood is really a lot of fun. It is also very sad. Unfettered "Globalisation" by grones is a terrifying and potentially lethal poison for mankind.
The author is also an inveterate inventor but when grones completely colonise a society there is nowhere to take your ideas. Scotland has nowhere to take, research, fund or market new ideas. My colleagues and I have compiled nine products with a market value of upwards of £1 billion. They, like myself, are simply exhausted with the ignorant bureaucracy that shrouds this fabulous little country. The film "Braveheart"represented the suppression of not only Scotland's but also the frustration of the world's suppressed peoples. I plan to travel with these products in January of 2002 to China. Why? China encompasses the most fundamental aspect of this thesis - a huge and ongoing investment in education. It is no accident that Scotland produced per head of population the greatest thinkers, writers and inventors in the 19th century, it was also the most educated at the time.
Go on. E-mail me a question. I am also available to present lectures on the theory.
Cheers from Scotland - Bob Brown